9 Cups


How do you tell if it is telling you in the Outcome that you will get your wish rather than wishing for something that won't come true.

This card is starting to aggravate me.


hmm i'm not always a fan of the outcome card.

maybe the best thing is to do a simple clarification spread someone (sorry, have forgotten who!) had posted in the spreads forum:

1) what does this card mean
2 what doesn't this card mean
3) guidance

it can be frustrating when all you want is an ans but I guess it's not always that clean cut. and outcomes are not set in stone nor are they guarantees.

so clarification might offer some insight...


wow thanks because that seems like an excellent idea.


Outcome cards can be difficult to interpret, generally, I think. But in this case, if the spread were really trying to tell you that you are wishing for something that is not possible or true, a different card may appear--like the 7 of cups, perhaps the 6 of cups or 4 of cups.

There is also another way of looking at the 9 of cups. Even though it is a positive card, there is a bit of an underside to it, because it's not complete happiness or satisfaction (like the 10 of Cups), but it says things can be pretty good. It's a reality card in that sense in that it says accept what is attainable or possible rather than what is perfect or dreamed of. Looked at in that way, maybe the card is telling you what you need to know.

If you are asking about whetehr your own desires influence the reading, well, that is a problem everybody has reading for themeselves and there is no clear answer. The clarifier might help.



I can't remember the exact word for 9's, but it's something like a realization or comprehension... When things sort of come together and make sense or start working out or coalesse. It's not completed yet, but it's beginning to gel.

Still, I think of this card is having it all together and waiting for it all to happen, that it's a period of great anticipation.

Now whether it's wishful thinking, dream on or your wish will be granted, would depend on the cards that preceeded this.

It could simply mean that it's a time of celebrations and enjoyment, remembering your favorite things... and sort of reminds me of the night before Christmas, with all the stockings hung up by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there, children are sleeping, snug in thier beds, while visions of sugar plums dance in their heads...


When I first started using tarot cards, I used to be very happy when this card showed up especially when doing relationship readings.

I'd confidently predict to my friends who I was reading for that their wishes with the man they were dating were coming true, happy times etc etc.

Nearly all of the relationships (about three) with the 9 of Cups in there ended shortly after. And two of them had 9 of cups as the outcome!

So its a card I don't always like to see now, and funnily enough it came up today for another relationship spread - in a "whats keeping the couple apart". I just don't see that much positivity in it anymore.

I wish there was just a couple of cards that said = yes this is good, or no this is bad with no in-between!! :) It would make life easier!


Maybe then it has to be looked at as the "Happiness" card (Thoth) instead of the Wish Card. Happiness can be fleeting, as we all know...and since it is the Nine instead of the Ten, which would indicate a more stable, lasting love/happiness, that may indicate that the stability of that Ten has not yet been reached. (Maybe only wished for...?) (!)


I would like to understand this card better myself. I wonder if -getting your wish means that your wish if well developed? Like creative visualization- being specific- vs getting exactly what you wish for- which would tie back into the nines- looking within self for what you truly desire instead of finding or hoping to find it outside in someone else?
I have had it manifest in a similar way, for instance my wish was "hearing" from someone and I recieved that email and nothing more. This leads me to think this card is about being clear what you wish for and the only way you can do that is by going inside oneself and being very specific.


Those are good takes, Starry and YDM42.

The overall feeling it left me with (after my early prediction disasters with it) was that when you're dealing with two people - what may be your heart's desire isn't necessarily their heart's desire! When I get it now for relationship stuff, I see it that the querent is in that place where they are hearing music, feeling a lot of the emotion for the other person, but keep at the back of my mind that the other person may not be there yet.