


Do you take Justice to mean marriage or be a marriage card? I think its obviously about karma and rights being made wrong etc. A friend of mine is a professional reader and to her this always indicates marriage.

Any thoughts would be welcome!



Or divorce ;)

I've never personally seen it in a reading as indicating a marriage but it could be a legal contract so I suppose that could mean marriage.

I think that there are other cards that would indicate marriage more but as always with Tarot, it depends on the context.


Yes it could mean marriage. It's at least so in my deck. I like to see more supporting symbols of course, but it has to do with signing the paperwork attached to marriage or the Justice of the Peace.


I certainly wouldn't give it that interpretation if it's a one card draw, unless the question was about marriage. In a spread with other cards, I could see it that way.


Thanks everyone. I agree with you as in it could be signing of papers and the legal formalities of marriage. I don't think its about emotions relating to marriage... but I could be wrong.

This was in a relationship spread (sorry I can't remember the other cards!) relating to two people who aren't together.