What is a Human Being??


What are we, and why do we live?


That's a very good question. And a very interesting one to put in the Thoth forum.

I wish I had something intelligent to say, but instead I'll respond with a very good Koan:


Ryokan, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing to steal.

Ryokan returned and caught him. "You have come a long way to visit me," he told the prowler, "and you should not return empty-handed. Please take my clothes as a gift."

The thief was bewildered. He took the clothes and slunk away.

Ryoken sat naked, watching the moon. "Poor fellow," he mused, "I wish I could have given him this beautiful moon."




Interesting question. Did you have something specifically related to the Thoth deck in it?



Thanks for the link Arnnaria, very satisfying for me.

Now, as for who we are. We are not just human beings, that just describes our physical presence, and we are much more than that. We are not just consciousness, spirit or soul, for if we were we wouldn't be just human beings.
Now, having said that, how come when someone shakes my hand, I have a physical contact? We can think about anything we want, we can meditate on whatever we want, but until we decide to act, nothing happens, we do not change anything.....
If anyone wants to elaborate on what I said, please help me....... If we could accept the fact that we are just human beings, we wouldn't spend so much times wondering what we are..... I have a strong theory of not just who but what we are.....
Please remember that this is my humble opinion, derived from life how I was exposed to it.......Like Einstein said: ''If I knew what I was doing, it wouldn't be called research now would it''




It is a curious aspect: like many things we encounter, the more we know, the less we understand; wherein one answer leads to another 10 questions untill we reach a point of acceptance that is different for each person.

One could say that humans are the result of a random arrangement of particles that aligned in a particular way to form a sentient multi-cellular organism. Residing in a universe goverened by dimensions of time, space and causality, and dominating their planet of origin. Assuming the universe was eternal and these dimensions were absolutely objective, then that could be left at that.

But many believe that humans were designed in a specific and systematic way so as to include an element of order in their existence much like the laws of physics governing the universe. An analysis of the symmetry existing in the world around us such as the workings of astrology and gravity as well as the existence of the ozone layer, without which we could not live, may suggest evidence for a designer.

A common belief is that we are not simply flesh and bone but have something more. An entity which transcends the laws of the phsical world which is present in each of us usually refered to as the spirit. Evidence and differing beliefs from this point are generally obscure in their diversity to say the least.
People often spend their whole lives working out their purpose for living, the reason they were designed for.

Though in the end, we all die and our physical life ceases; that much is certain.



knightofrainbows said:
What is a Human Being?? What are we, and why do we live?
"What is a Human Being??"
for knightofrainbows

From the Thoth Tarot

Situation: V. The Hierophant
Background: 10 of Cups
Prospect: Prince of Swords

Can you share some of your thoughts on these cards,
and then we will be able to discuss them here further.


I like Fulgour's idea. Can I suggest "Forest of Souls" as a good book to read. Although not based on Thoth, Rachael Pollack does several readings in it with questions such as "what is our relationship to God?", "what plan did God follow when he made the world?" etc.

A very interesting type of question to ask the tarot.


What a coincidence, Knight of Rainbows. I was just asking this morning, rather desperately, "what are we made of?"


knightofrainbows said:
What is a human being??
10 of Cups

2nd Card: "Background" position

The Pisces archetype, in its ultimate perception
also prepares the fertile ground for a new cycle.
The End is also The Beginning...

Mars in Pisces ~ the 36th decanate,
followed of course by the 1st...

Malkuth (origin) through Water: the fruit of love
or the seed that sprouts time and again.