What is a Human Being??


knightofrainbows said:
What is a human being??
V. The Hierophant

1st Card: "Situation" position

Searching for (and finding) the Higher Self,
as the greatest "jurisdiction" to which we
ought needs endeavour, to live in Harmony.

from Chockmah to Chesed
The invisible as reality: Chesed is growth and intensification;
Chockmah the first manifestation of the invisible in the visible.


knightofrainbows said:
What is a human being??
Prince of Swords

3rd Card: "Prospect" position


This card shows a Phase of Lightness in which we are enthusiastic
about theoretical solutions, thereby building many Castles in the Air.

When these tendencies are pursued in a playful manner they
can be very enriching because useful insights also emerge.

However, if a person considers all of the ideas and perceptions
of this period to be brilliant, they will later regret such naivety.


Reference: The Crowley Tarot
by AKRON and Hajo Banzhaf


The Creative World

"Castles in the Air" sounds like a beautiful dream,
especially for a Knight of Rainbows. Remember
though, the flight of Icarus, and respect the Light
of Chokmah: the true lesson of Wisdom is Mercy.


Thanks Fulgour, and everyone else too, i read what you all said and the more i read, the more i think about life. Its like a miracle that we actually live. That we are living creatures. I've been reading quite alot lately, i read The Book of Thoth and The Middle Pillar amongst others, and i'm now reading A Garden of Pomegranates.

The reason i asked the question is because i've had an awakening, i feel as though i've been living in a dream world my whole life and now i've finaly woke up. I've started my spiritual jurney.

Crowley says at the beginning of The Book of Thoth,

"Be this thy task, to see how each card springs necessarily from each other card, even in due order from The Fool unto The Ten of Coins.

Then, when thou know'st the Wheel of Destiny complete, may'st thou perceive THAT Will which moved it first. [There is no first or last.]

And Lo! thou art past through the Abyss."