What do you believe the tarot actually does?

Tansey Ella

Sometimes I get answers regarding questions about myself and others without ever touching a tarot card. Those come in dreams and other ways and I have zero( 0) control over them.
There have been times I was able to predict for someone something that was to happen and I myself am not actually psychic. The information was just "there" and for someone specific. I can't make it happen or not happen.
When I do pull cards I do not use just the standard meanings. I just often get strong feelings about a card I have pulled and sometimes use that response to the card and not the traditional meaning. I do not read professionally, just very occ. with close persons.
I do think I have tapped into a spiritual guide , angel or whatever . I do believe there is Creator of some kind . Sometimes it is a little like the lady who portrayed a reader in the movie " The Gift" .


Tarot & Oracles etc are my form of relaxation and insight and for others (those I choose to read for ) a way to look at need to know situations, predictive scenarios, answers to questions not answered and/or guidance.

Also, it is something on the most part that fulfils me and has never lead me astray with what it has to say unless Im not objective.

I also respect them as a tool and appreciate how fortunate I am to be able to read them in a way that they use my intuition and get to the heart of the matter.

I trust what they say even if it sits or doesnt sit with a sitter.

Can only give what one gets ~ nothing more- nothing less. :)


One more important thing...

Best part is the feedback even months down the track!

And nothing comes close to bringing calm or hope to a persons life with something like giving her/him a different perspective on a situation when all seems lost.

Those are the readings that make it all worth while for me. :)


I believe that in the same way I am an artist that can use different mediums to express my art such as watercolours, oil paints, charcoal on paper etc. that I am a clairvoyant and can manifest my abilities through the Tarot, I Ching, Runes etc.

The tarot, to me, is a tool to help me express my clairvoyant ability. Without a deck I am no less a clairvoyant than without a paintbrush am I any less an artist.

I believe every deck has their own personality... their own 'voice'. Some are blunt, some are vague, some are pleasing to look at but speak a different language, some have vastly different idealogies, some are friends and are on the same 'wavelength' as you, some are more like teachers and wise people that dispense sage advice. In the end, like people, you choose your friends and your friends choose you too and all the same with the tarot... you choose a deck that also chooses you.


tarot is a great tool to look at the mind, which to me, is the source of all happiness and misery. That's pretty much what i use it for these days. I feel the language of tarot can express what's in the mind, either yours or someone else's, in a way that is eloquent and, more importantly, helpful.