Animals Reacting To Tarot


I used to lay out a blanket on the floor and work with my Druidcraft there. Every time without fail, my cat Mojo would come lay on them and snuggle them. Agitating but adorable at the same time. Needless to say, I don't do that anymore ;-)


When l read tarot doing my online work, l sit with my computer on my lap on the settee. My two Jack Russell's cuddle up to me either side, and go soundly to sleep giving the odd snore or two. l find reading is relaxing for me as l get into the 'zone', and it obviously spreads out to them.
Soon as l am finished up they jump ready to go out.
If l have private readings or Reiki to do, the dogs will lie outside the therapy room, and again go to sleep till l am finished.
They have never actually shown interest in the cards themselves, or touched them, it's more to do with picking up on my energies whilst using them.


Very interesting, UniversesCollide! I'd suspect that you were feeling enough intense anger towards the guy that it temporarily transferred to "his" card -- with a strong enough vibe for your dog to pick up on and instinctively respond to; maybe aggression-promoting pheromones were involved, too... So she finally snapped and acted out what you may have felt like doing to him, yourself, on some deep level. The pooch must feel very connected to you. :)

That sounds like a great theory. And yes, we are very bonded and close.


My nôw passed over cat liked rubbing face on my Bohemian animals deck. Its special due to that she would jump up to see them and paw them too. She seemed to be drawn to them sneak in if I was practicing on self with cards. They are my favourite deck and only ones I use.


Have any of you had pets (or friends who had pets) who reacted either positively or negatively to a Tarot deck?

Never negatively, and I've lived with a *lot* of animals over the decades.

Cats in particular love Tarot, and dogs like leaning against my legs when I'm either using cards or reading this forum.

If you lay out cards on a table cats will try to lie on the spread, but this is not so much love-of-Tarot, so much as wanting to get between your eyes and whatever is taking your attention away from them, I think. I tend to keep my decks jumbled up in wicker baskets, and when I have cats they love to lie on them. Which can only be really uncomfortable, because deck-corners would have to jab into them. So they must really love the energy coming off the whole collection to put up with the discomfort and sleep there for hours. :)


My Dog...

Loves to hang around when I'm doing my Tarot might just be that he likes to hang around me.


My cat has always had interest in my cards. But more in the way that he realizes he's not the center of my attention and we can't have that :p When he was a kitten he would lay across my cards and fall asleep. So I'd just put more cards on top of him. I have a picture of him doing that as a kitten and again as an adult with the exact same deck! Aside from that he runs across the room to lay on my cloths when I put them out and wreaks havoc on my crystals knocking them about. He's not allowed around my cards unsupervised as he once chewed on a card I had out as my card of the day :(


I'm sure it's the shuffling or something that your friend is doing that irks the dog, not the deck itself (unless it has picked up an incense smell or something). The cards are not alive; they're just paper. What would you even do for a "heavy duty cleansing?"


:laugh: Oh yes! But my experience w/my "niece-dog" was a positive one. When I first began to read tarot cards, we went to visit our sister, who has a son a year older then our daughter. I read the cards for the sister a few times on various things and then we sat back to watch something on the tv together. (I was reading the cards on the coffee table). Well, didn't her dog come up to the table and act like she wanted a reading as well. As I write this, I can't recall exactly what the dog did--but I think she may have pawed me and then looked at the cards - or she barked and pawed at the cards.

We all laughed, so I gathered the cards together, shuffled them and did a reading for the dog. It was actually a good reading even, as I remember it had to something with a "boy" in her life--to which we figured was my nephew. This dog was his originally. It turned out to be really a funny read and the dog herself was very happy about it too! :D


I had a cat who came to live with me as a 5 week old kitten. Since he was not yet ready to be taken from his mom--a friend whose cat had kittens had me take him home because she got evicted and all of the cats needed to be rehomed immediately and no one would take them all together--and this particular cat, as a result, became extra sensitive toward me and behaved eerily human like as a result.

He loved my tarot. Probably because he picked up on my habits and subtle signals as to what I was getting ready to do, if I were doing anything of a spiritual nature he would drop what he was doing (napping, usually, lazy guy) and come into the room. Was it something out of the ordinary or not? I go back and forth...the cat I have now doesn't notice or care, but she came to live with me as a senior. My cat didn't care if I was on the computer or doing anything "mundane," but he always took note of me doing tarot/meditating/ritual etc. He's gone now and sometimes I can still sense him when I'm doing things of that nature.