Quesited significator for "What will the next year/month/week be like for me?"


Quesited significator for "What will the next year/month/week be like for me?"

Maybe something like a Solar Return is best for this, but suppose this comes up as a horary question, what would the quesited house be?

Querent gets first house, sure.
Maybe 10th (future/Perspective)? 9th? (astrology/divination?)

thanks in advance!


It's a question about you....

The question is about you, so you use the first. The time frame can be anything you like and you would judge it from the condition of Lord 1.

Unlike a Solar or Lunar Return, you can't direct the chart for intermediate time points within your chosen period.

The only time I can see this as useful is if the natal details of the querent are unknown and there's no accurate natal chart. At least some prediction is possible.


The context is that

a friend who is learning Tarot wanted me to use my astrological 'skills' (such as they are) to answer this question for him, and he'd use his budding Tarot skills to answer the same question for me (as you can see,I have interesting friends!)

My instinct was to use his natal + SR charts, but since I was thinking of horary at the time, thought I'd ask if the moment I understood the question might work as a substitute.


Well, yes it would work, and for this sort of situation it may work very well. You may also find that the horary gives you an encapsulated version of a more detailed analysis.

But ignoring that latter point, I think I'd use a horary in this context. What matters most is a swap of readings. You can always offer a more detailed natal reading later.