Steampunk Tarot (Charissa Drengsen) - Suit Symbolism - Riding Crops (Swords)


At first I was completely puzzled by her use of riding crops for what is traditionally the swords suit. But this morning I had an epiphany about them. Besides the fact that riding crops can very satisfactorily swish through the air (assuming an air association), riding crops are about teaching and guiding a horse. They can be used gently. A touch on the horse will let it know what direction to go in. Or they can be used with cruelty, to harm the horse, even drawing blood.

A sword, on the other hand, is made to kill. I understand the metaphor of rapier whit, cutting sarcasm, sharp mind ... all associated with the intellect. But swords are still a killing weapon. I think I made this association because I realized that the guns suit in Tarot of the Dead was bothering me. Guns, like swords, serve one major purpose. To injure or kill things. Riding crops, on the other hand, have many uses. This makes them a symbol that has a lot of potential for various meaning and interpretation.

I haven't seen all the cards yet, but let's discuss how riding crops work as symbols. What do they say? How well do they say it? And does it translate well as a sword substitute?