8 of Cups as what someone brings to another's life


Hello all,

What positives do you associate with the 8 of Cups in the context of what someone can bring to another person's life?

I am thinking along the lines of allowing someone to move on in order to follow a dream/ allowing them to leave behind what they have in order to follow a different path/ allowing them to leave the familiar behind in order to explore their truth alone/ allowing them to let go of their current entanglements?

Does anyone have different takes on the 8 of Cups?

Thanks in advance!

Midsummer Eve


A person who knows themselves and who has no baggage from the prior relationships they may have had. They've got their emotional issues dealt with and can move forward without residual "stuff". They've finished up with the last relationship, allowed time for healing even if they have to get counseling to achieve that, and they're able to come to the next relationship with a pretty clean slate. :)


A person who knows themselves and who has no baggage from the prior relationships they may have had. They've got their emotional issues dealt with and can move forward without residual "stuff". They've finished up with the last relationship, allowed time for healing even if they have to get counseling to achieve that, and they're able to come to the next relationship with a pretty clean slate. :)

Hey Griz :)

Thanks for that...
So the 8 Cups would represent emotional baggage that would be left behind - the clean slate, the lone figure walking away to follow his next dream (the Moon)?