2 pentacles reversed



I am in the middle of a reading and I got the 2 pentacles Rx in the advice position. I never use Rx but this one came out this way so it must be significant. I know the many meanings of the card upright and Rx but I am struggling with the reversed-as-advice. I keep wanting to say what the upright meaning would be i.e. find the balance etc, then I read a thread by Sulis on reversals, by Paul Fenton-Smith, that said go back to the lesson of the previous card.

Can anyone shed some light for me?


Guiding Cauldron

Two of Pentacles Reversed

Hi ya, I love reversals I looked at my card for 2 of pentacles in my bohemian cat tarot and it seems if you got this card in an advice spot you may want to consider....

- Don't juggle so many things at one time.
- Dont always watch your step so sternly, relax a little.
- Sometimes logic thought needs to be used with intuitive thought.
- Ground yourself, don't necessarily throw everything up in the air, just for the fun of it :)

Hope that helps a little. :)


That does help ALOT, thankyou.

It would have been just as your post arrived I was looking at another page and I suddenly got the thought/message "put it all down and walk away. Stop juggling when you're not achieving the balance you're after".

What thinks you?


Guiding Cauldron

im so glad!! :)

Yeah glad i could help :) U R very welcome.