Another Reader's Vs Your Interpretation


One day out of the blue you decided to consult a competent reader who drew a set of cards for you. He interpreted the spread in a certain way which you agree is acceptable and does cover the cards' other meanings, but which is rather different from the way you yourself would be inclined to read them. Would you give more credence to his interpretation, or would you choose to still be respectful about it while believing your own analysis of the cards?

I don't diligently re-analyse the cards chosen for me, neither do I tend to overthink. Rather I carefully look at the way how they are interpreted by the reader and it then resonates or not. When the interpretation doesn't much resonate with me, I almost always have a problem with some of the cards, i.e. my intuition disagrees with the way they are interpreted already.

When giving feedback, I try to highlight the parts which do resonate with me. If something doesn't resonate, I either don't say anything about it or put it in such a way that the reader doesn't feel negated or challenged.

I find that the cards have very different strange ways of manifesting themselves, so I don't want to be so cocksure of myself either :)


When I'm reading, I love when the querent chimes in.

All really good readings are a dialogue: I describe the energy of a card or card-combination, the querent tells me how that fits into their life practically, that gives me the ability to go deeper into the implication of that card or cards. That is ENTIRELY different to me-as-a-client, telling the reader they are wrong because their meanings are different to mine!

On the other hand, I remember some really gifted readers who found it hard to concentrate if I did that.

Or were being very polite about the fact that you didn't respect their relationship with their deck ...


Wow I learned quite a few things here. I am the type who usually says what's on my mind (as politely as I can though) or asks questions whenever one pops up because I always want things clear and out in the open, although I've learned to tame this a bit. During the reading, I almost quipped "But doesn't that card also mean this and that? And in relation to this other card, it might mean this. Etc etc." I'm glad I clammed up, now that I know that it's such a faux pas.

In the end I guess yeah it's all about respect. But I'm stubborn so I'd still perform my lil experiment and see who's more accurate lol. Thanks for all the replies, you all have been very helpful. :)


I'd believe his reading.

If you believe that the cards are answering the question you posed, then that 'answer' is designed to be interpreted by the person reading.

It's not designed to be interpreted by anyone else, which is one of the reasons you cannot discuss readings done by someone else in the Your Readings section of AT.

The cards are speaking to the reader and are meant to trigger the appropriate responses in their mind. Have you ever seen a bunch of readers read on the same question here at AT? The cards are all over the place, but the readings tend to converge.

That's because each reader draws the cards that allows them to give the correct answer. The cards I need for that may be quite different from the cards you need for that.
This. Because those cards are communicating with the READER, not the querent.


I'd believe his reading.

If you believe that the cards are answering the question you posed, then that 'answer' is designed to be interpreted by the person reading.

It's not designed to be interpreted by anyone else, which is one of the reasons you cannot discuss readings done by someone else in the Your Readings section of AT.

The cards are speaking to the reader and are meant to trigger the appropriate responses in their mind. Have you ever seen a bunch of readers read on the same question here at AT? The cards are all over the place, but the readings tend to converge.

That's because each reader draws the cards that allows them to give the correct answer. The cards I need for that may be quite different from the cards you need for that.

I'm another one in this camp. If there was a certain card that profoundly stood out and spoke to me, I might mention it to the reader after the initial reading was completed. I wouldn't interrupt and I wouldn't disagree, more like ask for an opinion on that. While I would feel the cards were mainly speaking to the reader, I wouldn't rule out that they didn't have some sense of me there and might decide to slip in a quick personal note. Still, I'd never try interpret the whole reading and would never believe the entire spread was meant for my interpretation. If I believed that, I'd have just read for myself and that happens to be something I rarely do.


I'm another one in this camp. If there was a certain card that profoundly stood out and spoke to me, I might mention it to the reader after the initial reading was completed. I wouldn't interrupt and I wouldn't disagree, more like ask for an opinion on that. While I would feel the cards were mainly speaking to the reader, I wouldn't rule out that they didn't have some sense of me there and might decide to slip in a quick personal note. Still, I'd never try interpret the whole reading and would never believe the entire spread was meant for my interpretation. If I believed that, I'd have just read for myself and that happens to be something I rarely do.

I HAVE seen it happen where the card image contains a message the reader cannot possibly see, but that is part of the message. This can happen when the person in the card image looks just like someone the querent knows. But the querent would easily see the resemblance. Or a nature scene looks EXACTLY like our best friends backyard. The reader cannot possibly recognize this, not knowing what everyone in the querent's life looks like physically or not being able to recognize actual physical locations familiar to the querent.

While I don't believe we can question the reader's interpretation (for all I said above...that we don't know or speak the language the readers cards speak to them in), to me this could add in another element. It can add in additional info on the topic for the querent in this way.

In that case I would definitely mention it to see if the reader can find the significance to it in the reading.



Hey, interesting thread!

The way we sit before 'signs' in life and hazard our way into some kind of questioning and wondering about how Life is moving and what we can anticipate, is a collective process not an individual one - otherwise it's egoic and lacks the natural humility and surrender that good spirituality always has at its heart,
So no - there's NO way I ever hand over to another human being exclusive rights to interpret signs or mirroring from Life.
I engage with my own impressions on their card draw as much as if they were from my own hand, because that's the only mature way to discern ... As part of a community .

Projections from other people's mind-spinning torments are far better detected and stepped beyond then.

Go well!!