Rainring Masterclass 5 set 9 card 78: Achievement


78. Achievement: group – self (6 yellow) [stage 6]
The image

In the foreground we see what could well be a traveller, passing under an arch. He is a big ginger-haired man, carrying a staff with a wolf’s head carved at the top. Beyond him, through the arch we see the white houses of a town, in front of which is a melon seller with a barrow, and a woman customer who is in the process of buying a melon. An animal, apparently a wolf, looks on. Behind the town, the colour of the hills suggests that this is a dry climate.

The place of Achievement in the Process Cycle

The sixth stage of the cycle takes us to the card which represents the self group – Achievement. This combines two characteristics: first, it is again a stage concerned with action; second, there is an emphasis on the personality of the querant – the qualities and the investment of effort and energy which enable him / her to bring the project to fruition. The card Achievement refers to the period after Input – this period culminates in Achievement, but the card covers also the period leading up to that culmination. Achievement, as we shall see later, does not complete the cycle, yet it certainly does mark at least an initial stage of completion.

The meaning
Achievement: the stage of concrete, finished results; sustained and, when necessary, revitalised action bears fruit.
Achievement is an unambiguously positive card. It signals either the fact that you have been able to carry to a successful conclusion the enterprise which you began in stage one, or that you will succeed in doing so. This stage is one where, once again, you are focussing very much on yourself. You push forward hard now with the necessary action, having learnt the lessons which were required of you to overcome the setbacks in the later period of stage four. Once again, you do not need outside help: not because you are wilfully deaf to it, but because you have incorporated into the project what was lacking. You now have, or can obtain, the resources required to finish the job. Your inner attitude is a far more balanced and moderate one – you have made the necessary accommodation with the female side, so eliminating the worst spirit side excess of some earlier stages.
Up to a point, you return to the stage one situation: you have to re-assess your plans and strategies in the light of your change of heart, to ensure that you are making the necessary change of direction, which will in turn lead to the appropriate corrective action. This period involves a lot of inner tension. You are all too well aware of having come unstuck once already. This has dented your confidence, and henceforth you will not be taking anything for granted. Whereas previously you were in throwing-caution-to-the-winds mode, now you have an altogether more sober mind-set. This is going to affect your relationships – on the one hand, you will be more tolerant and less dismissive of others’ contributions, but on the other, because the euphoria has gone, you are capable of more a thorough, on-going appraisal of whether others are pulling their weight effectively.

Finally, this new sobriety needs to extend also to your private life. In this stage, the main danger that you face is that of not having the resoluteness of purpose to carry you through to the end. This is a period of personal sacrifice, privation and self-denial, at least in certain respects. The temptation to kick over the traces, rebel against the discipline imposed by the task, is always there. If anything can still derail you, or at least compromise your completion of the task, it is this. For example, at this time you need to fall in love about as much as you need a hole in the head!

Once again, we have looked at the card in terms of its place in the great sweep of process of the project. And again, as with the other process cards, Achievement can appear under much more banal circumstances, such as, for example, a successful mini-moment within a much larger context: a good result in yesterday’s performance of the play; success in getting a bargain; a difficult moment at work well handled and so on. And there is always the inner dimension: just as there are inner processes continually at work, so there are moments when you successfully achieve inner goals – freeing yourself from the last feelings of wanting to return to cohabitation with an abusive ex-partner, for example.

Divination summary
dedication to completing a task, strong-mindedness, ability to maintain focus; inner tension, uncertainty over personal capabilities, shadow cast by previous difficulties; careful planning and re-evaluation; cool and level-headed approach towards both work and co-workers; tolerant and fair attitude; self-reliance, determination to run a tight ship; being demanding first and foremost of oneself.