Wolf Song Pack


This deck by Jeanette Spencer and Lew Harton lends itself to incredible insight connecting with Animal Medicine during your personal journey....

The artwork, the keywords, the meanings of each card gives us so much....... tobe used as any other type of Tarot Deck .........with the availability to discover your Animal Totem...........and so much more....

if anyone else has this deck and would love to discuss each card.....?

Beginning with the Wolves.....

Timber Wolf
Gray Wolf
Red Wolf
Artic Wolf

lets start a thread............an index..........



Hi Vesta!
I have and at times use this deck. many of the animals in it live where i live and I see and interact with them on a regular basis.....


for example:
Timber Wolf:
Maheengun the Wolf
Spirit of endurance and survival skills, protector of the family (Ojibway)
For my people in Siberia Ee'ren Börü is the Guide of the West Gate and he can find, smell out, Aa'mih souls, that got lost on their way back to Umai and the Tree of Life and reincarnation.....
and here is what happened a few days ago....


Sorry can not access that page.........