Goddess Guidance - SIGE


Goddess Guidance Oracle Study Group - SIGE

This is a new study for the Doreen Virtue Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards.

In the same way we are studying the Healing with the Angels, I think we should look at the cards and use our intuition before looking at the book. The book has some good information about each of the goddesses which will be good to look at too.

What are your thoughts and feelings when looking at the card?

SIGE - Quiet Time
"Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate, and contemplate."

Sige, this goddess is telling us to "ssshhhhh" slow down, take a break and rest. You have been working too hard. Physically and mentally rest. Slow your mind by meditating. In the picture it is night time. Night is the time for physical rest and to restore the body and prepare it for the day ahead. If you use this time to rest physically and mentally you will have more energy for the future, your "batteries will be charged".


Quiet time... I feel as though she's reminding us that living life can get busy and sometimes we can forget to take some "me" time. Sige is telling us now that it's time to rest, take some quiet time to meditate and connect with the Universe and also think about what we've achieved. Be grateful for all that we've achieved but it's now time to take a well deserved break.

Sige has her hand up to her mouth and each time you think "but... I have so much to do" she says "shhhh". She is trying to get you to listen to her guidance because if you don't you'll burn out.

As Geministar said, it's night time - this is the time that our bodies recover and rest from our busy day. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep of a night time, make an effort to go to bed earlier as you will feel rested in the morning. If you are having difficulty in sleeping use music to help relax or lavender oil on your pillow.


Goddess Guidance-Sige

looking beyond the physical body, the aura shows when you do not take time out to connect to your innerself.......

Ask for Guidance from Sige when you are feeling alittle overwhelmed in a situation...feeling run down........
you need to put self first... it is okay to say NO! to others demanding our time as our time is valuable.......

just some more thoughts.....
