access to a higher source of information, empathy and love?


Ok I hope that this thread will not sound too cheesy :laugh:

I noticed that some people (psychics, Tarot readers,...) are better than others. Sometimes, they have been mastering their ''art'' since a smaller number of years compared to other and they are quite good.

I noticed something weird. I strongly have the impression that we receive the information (when we do Tarot let's say) from a higher source and that people who are trying to help others, are empathetic and driven by love will have more access to this information.

Do you feel that it is the case?

Let's say the opposite now. If a person was quite skilled but now they suddenly close their heart (they are less empathetic) and use their minds instead of their intuition, do you think that their psychic performance and accuracy can decrease, even after years of practice?

Thanks! :)


Yes and no. There are some people I just cannot read for and I usually know it when I meet them for the first time. I don't believe every reader is appropriate for every person out there. People tend to get drawn to the readers they need to hear from most, not necessarily the person thats going to tell them what they want to hear. Usually the duff readings from me happen because that person wasnt really drawn to me in the frst place they just did it because the opportunity was there or felt pressured by friends. I get a sinking feeling about these people the instant they sit down. I do my best but I can't engage a good state with them and end up having to do the reading with brainwork alone.

Because I dont charge for my readings and often do them in say the workplace during a break period, its really hard to say okay I'll read you but not you, without creating friction with a coworker. More politic to go through the motions for appearances sake and have them thinking well she's not very good at that, or I knew this stuff was BS then have to deal with a miffed coworker who thinks I am excluding them.

And there are plenty of questions on here where I look at the sequence of cards and get nothing at all. I'm not supposed to be involvedin that one.

I'm not sure its really got much to do with empathy or being open hearted. It's no secret I have real problems with that right now but can still help others when I feel called. I think there could be a danger also to judge the reader as somehow not being spiritually evolved, or a fit person to do readings, if we start down that path. The truth could just be they are not the reader for you.


I'm not sure its really got much to do with empathy or being open hearted. It's no secret I have real problems with that right now but can still help others when I feel called. I think there could be a danger also to judge the reader as somehow not being spiritually evolved, or a fit person to do readings, if we start down that path. The truth could just be they are not the reader for you.

I really agree with SwordOfTruth here. That is a dangerous path to go down...

I don't really believe that a reader who appears more compassionate has more access to the truth. I *do* believe that you cannot always be in a receptive enough state to read, and that we are all human. And that no one is loving and compassionate 100% of the time.

Having said that, approaching a reading with an objective state of mind is always a good position to take.


My other thought on the issue is, readings dont have to be all hocus pocus either. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a reader who draws in logic and cerebral understanding of the cards and motifs in order to deliver a message. That is just as valid as inutition or connecting to higher realms.


Thanks SwordOfTruth and Padma,

this question was on my mind, maybe it was silly to ask this. I hope I did not offend anybody, it was not the intention.

I agree that we are all humans and it is always easier to read for certain people and not others. And that we have our ''off days''



You weren't offending anyone, Tarot_quest - I thought it was an interesting question, myself!


Not offended. To be honest really made me take a good long hard look at myself and my own attitudes. I can come off more aggressive in text that I really intend. I use a lot of emphatic phrasing that tends to sound a bit judgey.


I agree with all of you responders but from a bit different point of view. I think that a compassionate/loving world view helps with expanding and widening the possible angles where the reading can come from or head to.

Say, break ups and reconciliations are very common questions for a reader. For a judgemental or purely analytical reader this might be a silly or unnecessary question - just move on, stop pining, done and dusted. Whereas for a more compassionate reader it could be a "you have a chance to learn from this, for example through ways a, b, and c, even if you got your heart broken and won't reconcile" type of a question.

The same cards get different hues and flavors depending on the reader's worldview and communication style. It doesn't mean either one of them is wrong (or right), it simply means that pretty much everything in life can be looked at through different surfaces of a prism and one angle works best for one person, a different angle works best for another.

It's true though that sometimes readings connect beautifully to what's going on and sometimes you get "nope, did not resonate at all", no matter how much you tried to bond and focus. So love does not conquer all obstacles in this case ;)


I've said this a lot of times so it's going to be repetitive for a lot of people, maybe. But I think of it like this:

If you're a parent, especially of teenagers, you'll undoubtedly experience the phenomenon at least once in raising your kids that they can take advice from somebody else that they'd never accept from you. For instance, you try to talk to your daughter about a boy who is interested in her but you sense that he's not going to treat her well. She has a fit and continues to date him, not believing you. But just let her girlfriend say, "Eww, he's kinda gross." and she's off him in a flash.

I believe the same dynamic is at work all through our lives. As for Tarot, there are just some sitters who can assimilate information from one Tarot reader that they might totally disregard from another one. I think there are times when only the right reader will be able to deliver a message in the most beneficial and understandable way and that, if it's extremely important in the lives of the reader and sitter, then those two will find themselves across the table from each other. :)


Padma and SwordOfTruth, thanks for your clarification :) For some reasons, I thought that the way I phrased my question was interpreted in a negative light.

Say, break ups and reconciliations are very common questions for a reader. For a judgemental or purely analytical reader this might be a silly or unnecessary question - just move on, stop pining, done and dusted. Whereas for a more compassionate reader it could be a "you have a chance to learn from this, for example through ways a, b, and c, even if you got your heart broken and won't reconcile" type of a question.

That is a good example here Saskia! Trying to see what we can get from an experience, even when it does not turn out great

It's true though that sometimes readings connect beautifully to what's going on and sometimes you get "nope, did not resonate at all", no matter how much you tried to bond and focus. So love does not conquer all obstacles in this case ;)

True! I would say that the same analogy applies for friends. With some people you get along and with other, not so well