Looking for decks where the minor arcana are just swords etc. no waite-style pics


Some favourites of mine:
Classical Tarots. Very stylish 1835 artwork: neo-classical take on the Marseilles tradition.
Crystal Tarot. The artwork is Klimt-ish and the court cards based on the little-known Eudes Picard designs of 1909.
Vision Quest Tarot. This is Native American. The pips are semi-pictorial: the 7 Earth (Pentacles) shows a dead plant with 7 withered flowers and the 4 Water (Cups) has 4 full water jars. Keywords for the meanings are printed on the cards and they are strictly Golden Dawn (what most people would call Thoth) rather than Waite: 6 Fire (Swords) shows 6 arrows and is called Victory.


Amber tarot is fantastic but hard to get!:))


The gold foil Visconti by Lo Scarabeo is hard to beat.



Marseille for sure!

Hi Digitt

I would definitely go for the original Marseille deck. It's the most neutral when it comes to the minor arcana, you'll only have the basic wands, swords, coins and cups without any imagery interfering or influencing your reading. And it's a must have anyway :)



The Nomad Tarot (as mentioned by Maan) is a nice, minimalist, black and white RWS-style deck with non-scenic pips:


The minors merely consist of various butterflies/moths, crystals/geodes, feathers, and shells. Note that the various drawings of individual objects repeat themselves over the course of several cards, reversed or turned upside down. I've found the deck very readable on an intuitive, though abstract, level.
I wish your link showed anything for sale AT ALL :(