5 of Pentacles Reverse as love feelings


Hi, I wonder how would everyone read 5 of pentacles reversed in terms of someone's feelings toward the other. My take is that this person feels insecure toward the other person and feeling somewhat left out in their relationship. Are there anything positive from this card in terms of feelings? Thanks so much for your insight in advance :)


It could mean that the situation has reached a breaking point which could be a good thing because it might give the person the motivation to finally do something about it. 5 of Pentacles usually indicates that the person doesn't have to suffer or be left out they way they are if they would just ask for what they need. Since it is reversed I see this as that after prolonged acceptance of the situation without reaching out to correct it, the issue is now being forced to the surface. It is time to speak up about what is needed or desired before it definitely is too late.


That's a great interpretation thanks Ryver! So as a feeling card in a love interest reading, can we say that there was something or a situation was holding this person back but now he came to realize something and such realization set him free from whatever restricted feelings he had of the other person?


To reply to your first question, the positive side from this card is mainly the mutations it brings and new possibilities and Ryver described it well.

About your second question, i think you can say that yeah, there is a kind of awakening about a certain situation involving someone else and now, there is a desire to fix/change it.


Thanks Marlo! If we paired it with 5 of cups rx does it say that this person feels about giving up?


With the 5 of Cups rx, i think this person will move forward but with a lot of regrets.

It seems like the relationship you're talking about is blocked in a dead end but the two people involved have not envisaged all the possibilities to resolve their problems.


Thanks again Marlo! I thought regrets is more of a upright 5 of cups' feeling? I did some research on 5 of cups rx and it seems to mean end of some hardship. In love readings, it could mean that people stop torturing themselves bystop having negative thoughts and started to move on with an new path or partner...combining with 5 of pentacles rx I would say the person realize something is off but decided to leave it behind and move on with their life. Make sense?


It does make sense yeah :)

However, moving forward with 5 of cups rx isn't always easy. Some hurts tend to linger more than with other cards that could mean the same.


Hi, I wonder how would everyone read 5 of pentacles reversed in terms of someone's feelings toward the other. My take is that this person feels insecure toward the other person and feeling somewhat left out in their relationship. Are there anything positive from this card in terms of feelings? Thanks so much for your insight in advance :)

There are a couple of meanings here depending on the surrounding cards. The Five of Pents reversed could be a positive change in the situation so if it relates to rejection or poverty perhaps being taken into the fold. Feeling accepted. It could also feel as though you've been banished and forgotten. The Five pushed to its worst extremes. Also banished. Say for example you cheat on your partner and get kicked out of the house you may get the Five reversed as you have lost your home and relationship.


Thanks people :) You both gave me thoughts for food on the cards. Do you think there will be any positive feelings from person A to person B left with such combination of cards? I am asking because I also just read that 5 of pentacles rx could mean overcoming problems and 5 of cups rx could mean hopeful feelings....
By the way, how do you do quoting with that box around it? :)