Navigators Repeating Two of Pentacles


Two figures play with disks and lurking below is an ocean of unconsciousness. Stability is supported by change. It warns that the games we play are often on an unstable foundation and that in an instant things will change because that is what is needed to find stability.

This one repeats for me and I would love input on the message.

I interpret it as a message of impending shifts in relationships. That those shifts are required to change one's viewpoint in order to find future stability. That this is a sign of the ground coming out from below.


The 2P is about what it takes to grow. I've never thought of this card this way before, but upon looking at it, the first thing that came to my mind was "the dance of love". Each is giving and receiving the two disks in the card. The message of the repeating card could be that you need to work with another on some thing in your life that's going on right now.

The card also warns of stagnation and being afraid to take risks. So live a little!
