ADEPT LEVEL; Step SEVEN of 21 Steps To Read A Tarot Card


For Chela

Are we having fun yet? Good work. Dave


Hey, Chela! Good job on the stories. Now you're ahead of me again!

I like your fool's journey, especially "seeking his fortune" and starting all over again. Life really is up and down like the Wheel, isn't it?

I also like your Cups story. All that fun and friendship coming our way!

Keep up the good work. Your stories were a pleasure to read!



Thanks, Rachel and Dave. Yes, I'm having fun! Although it is hard to carve out enough time to focus on a whole exercise. It took me 4 days to do this one. Rachel, I am SO excited about the trip and the tarot immersion. I'll need to bring my vitamins!


Chela said:
Thanks, Rachel and Dave. Yes, I'm having fun! Although it is hard to carve out enough time to focus on a whole exercise. It took me 4 days to do this one. Rachel, I am SO excited about the trip and the tarot immersion. I'll need to bring my vitamins!
Chela, I loved your Fool's Journey. I could really visualize it as I read it, sort of like a movie.

It does get hard to find time to do the work, some steps do take days and on occassion (depending on what else you have on your plate) weeks. But it is all so worth it! One of things I often do when faced with a time crunch is to just do one activity then go on aobut my business, and come back to the next activity the next time I have a nice block of time.

Thanks for sharing!


21 Ways... Adept Level Seven

7:2 Chosen Suit – Swords

A week after the funeral the widow, Mary realized that with the death of her husband Eli, her identity as the “wife of” had ended and that she was beginning a new cycle. She knew she must forge a new identity, her choices were being just the “widow of “ and become reclusive or Mary could live life to its fullest. Although Mary exhibited a brave front deep, down inside she was filled with sorrow and fear at the thought of life without Eli. They were supposed to die together in bed holding hands as they drifted away in their sleep at a ripe old age. She was not supposed to be left alone at age 67 to face the world on her own.

Mary knew that it would be hard, to live with out Eli and would require that she still herself often to retreat from all that the world demanded of her. She sought quiet places to meditate and listen to her inner guide.

It was through meditation Mary gained the courage to make the necessary changes to conquer her fear of being alone. She came to realize that she needed only reach out to her friends and family for support. They were standing by willingly and lovingly to help her make her transition, reassuring Mary that her fear was of her own making. Although Mary still had bouts of despair and sleepless nights, she was willing to do the work to face the bumps in the night and move from the darkness of despair into the sunlight again.


21 Ways Adept Level 7 RWS


My Fool’s Journey
Where am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? As my vision clears, I see that this is a place of exquisite beauty, made even more beautiful by that heavenly body the sun. I am so excited to explore this place I start skipping off with my head turned to the sky, thinking of all the wondrous discoveries I will make. An inner voice began to nag me to be careful just as I came to the edged of a cliff. In my naiveté, I jumped anxious to see what awaited me.
I landed at the feet of the Magician from the Magician I learned that I have some power and could use it to influence my current situation and not be a victim of my youth and inexperience.
High Priestess
After an enlightening visit with the Magician I set out on my journey again, came upon a beautiful lady seated by a river between two columns, and was informed that she was the High Priestess. She taught me that the external world was not all there was to be explored, that I must be still and listen to my inner voice to discover my true self.
The Empress
While contemplating who I am during this phase in my life, I bumped into the Empress, this all-encompassing nurturing mother, who conducts love from the universe, who is not afraid to express her passion. She said that I also was one with Mother Earth and all whom I encountered. She showed me that loving freely and openly, expressing physical love passionately was my gift to others, I only needed to find my inner Goddess to live my external life to its fullest.
While I was in the forest dancing with the fairies and other woodland creatures reveling in my newfound freedom. I twirled in my circular skirt, tripped and fell into the arms of the Emperor. He was not amused, looking at me sternly as I offered him a flower from my hair. “Balderdash!!” He shouted, “Who’s in charge here?” He asked, “Life is serious business, says he” There must be rules, schedules, chores, tasks, responsibilities and above all there will be order. I learned from The Emperor that order is necessary but oppressiveness is not.
What I learned from the Emperor was reflected in what the Hierophant taught me. Through these archetypes, I discovered that it is my responsibility to contribute to the betterment of all humankind, protect the environment and be open to a power greater than I am. I must recognize and respect what came before me but I will not stop dancing.
As I continued I on my journey I came upon this beautiful man by the lake of happiness and immediately had the urge to join with him. My inner Goddess awakened, I looked at my image in the water and adjusted my hair. Suddenly his reflection appeared in the water next to mine. We stared at each other’s reflection for a moment, without speaking, we embraced, I became whole. Now I will make my own way, create my own destiny form my own belief systems.
As I stand in my Chariot all grown up I realized that:
I am the Captain of my fate
I am I the master of my soul (Henley)
I was quite full of myself feeling quite self-righteous. Then I met Strength who challenged me to recognize and accept my dark side, and face my suppressed desires, and open my mind to forgiveness. From Strength, I learned that I could calm the beast that reside in me, quite it voices and learn to love myself unconditionally then I would truly be whole.
As my temples began to gray I found that being alone gave me time to commune with the Divine within as I wondered if I was fulfilling my purpose here.
Wheel of Fortune
I began to contemplate miraculous and tragic events, and became as inquisitive as a small child in my questioning these occurrences and realized that no one could give me answers, that there weren’t any answers, that this was the Universal Wheel of Fortune ever turning and where or when it would stop no one knew.
Having encountered the energy of the Wheel of Fortune, I knew that I must live responsibly and compassionately daily. That an action I take today will have future consequences, I must be ever cognizant of my choices for myself, others, creatures and the environment.
Hanged Man
In addition, the Wheel and Justice taught me that I have to let go of the illusion that I am in control, when in fact it is a greater power that has control of the Wheel. I can only go with the flow living as responsibly and compassionate as possible.
Having received these lessons I must clean my spiritual house, shed bad relationships and live a life of service and generosity.

Temperance is here to remind me not to lose my equilibrium that I must retain my balance and stability and strive to live a harmonious life yet be aware that I will on occasion encounter extremes.
Ah, the Devil with his exotic and seductive demeanor planted himself right in my path. This is good, because it gives me the chance to explore my motives, test my resolve, am I who I say I am or am I a hypocrite? Do I wear a façade? Am I genuine? Am I easily swayed from my beliefs, values and commitments?
The Tower responds with a resounding no. There’s a bit of the egotist within, a bit of jealousy and envy that must be rooted out now. So I’m publicly smacked down and is humbled by the experience.
I was totally exposed I sought respite in the presence of the Star who is free of disguises and is open and vulnerable. She restored my faith in myself and taught me that there is power in being vulnerable.

The Moon, my chosen card.
As the Moon rise so does my anxieties. I know that I’m secure but there are deep seated fears I cannot shake, unfounded fears. I can rationalize them away but they always come back, when I least expect them.
Everything looks better in the bright warm light of the Sun. Fears disappears, anxieties are calm, I feel strong and fearless all is right with the world.
After being purified by the Sun I felt new, reborn I can now answer my calling to a higher purpose.
Finally, the work is done I’m whole. All elements are integrated I understand happiness and fulfillment are goals to achieve and once achieved should not be taken for granted. One must be ever vigilant to continue moving forward, it is so easy to regress. I’m ready to go on another journey to share my experiences and lessons, have new experiences and learn new lessons. I cannot sit on my laurels I must continue to grow.


The Moon comes near the end of the Journey, after the Star and before the Sun. A lot of growth and maturity has preceded the appearance of the moon on the Fool’s journey; the best is yet to come.


For SistaSpirit...

The storyline of the major arcana, SistaSpirit, are so well written, and I found, personally, very helpful. Excellent flow there!