4 of Pentacles


I can't make my mind if to see the four of Pentacles as a person with a bad case of avarice or to see it as a person secure in his abilities to manage & save his/her money. >scratching my head<



i think the miser card is a big warning, saving for a rainy day is fine, but he is holding onto the coins for dear life, they are protecting him...he thinks.
His security means soo much to him he has turned his back on everything else, he sits on the hard concrete seat and turns away from the community behind him.


Keep an open mind when you are deciphering what a card means.

4 Pents could just as easily mean that you need to maintain your physical body, giving it square meals, etc... or as others mentioned, that it's becoming stagnant, not moving, slightly constipated.

The cards are going to change meanings depending on what you are reading about. Sometimes tarot can be quite literal and some times metaphorical... that a tight hold on security also shuts out the rest of the world.

To me it can simply mean having or developing the basic elements you need, to maintain what you have.


I don't think this is a 'miser card' at all although it can be, depending on context.

As WalesWoman has said, the card meanings change depending on what you're reading about - with tarot it's all about context.

Fours are about structure, stability, foundations and security and coins are about the physical world, manifesting, the body etc..

So put the two together and you get material stability or security or being concerned with those things. This card could simply be talking about physical well-being or it could be talking about holding onto what you've got or even trying to control physical circumstances around you.

The card has a range of meanings as all the cards do.


It can also be about building wealth.

There are good and bad instances in all cards. Looking at the surrounding cards can indicate which way the card will go.

Try to be loose in your meanings and it is easier to see how they interact with the cards around them. There is no right answer, only what you see. :D


I agree about "context"; pentacles can be the physical body or money or time, etc. So it depends. I often view it as "holding tight to one's boundaries", and in a physical sense this can mean the skin, or even dieting - restricing intake.
Money - not wasting it, watching your spending very carefully, being a good saver.
So there are neg and pos interpretations to consider.


Yah, because think about it. What if you're doing a reading and the "miser" card comes up in the "advice" position. Are the cards advising you to be a miser?

Every single card carries light and dark, giving and receiving, happiness and sadness. Which one applies in your case, in your reading, gets to be felt out by you!