Secrets of the Lenormand Study Group - Q&A

Sylvie Steinbach

Miss divine

OK I don't want you to feel desperate so let's see:

I still don't understand fully (I know...feel stupid but not asking is even more stupid )
I wasn't ONLY using combination meaning, but I did that after I read them on their own. So what I basically need to know is, when the question is about feelings. was it wrong to combine the cards fish+bouquet?

Maybe he is only looking at her physically...and her personality so that the fish is her wit -maybe physical description- and the bouquet her beauty and charm!! so that he is maybe not yet in love with her but find her very appealing...Again men don't fall in love they fall in lust first! or they are attracted to the package. If you expect to see emotional cards such as love cards when you look at a man's brain you are going to be very disappointed. So the Lenormand is usually very right on by telling the naked truth. That we -women- like it or not it is a different affair.

Miss Divine

Sylvie Steinbach said:
OK I don't want you to feel desperate so let's see:

I still don't understand fully (I know...feel stupid but not asking is even more stupid )
I wasn't ONLY using combination meaning, but I did that after I read them on their own. So what I basically need to know is, when the question is about feelings. was it wrong to combine the cards fish+bouquet?

Maybe he is only looking at her physically...and her personality so that the fish is her wit -maybe physical description- and the bouquet her beauty and charm!! so that he is maybe not yet in love with her but find her very appealing...Again men don't fall in love they fall in lust first! or they are attracted to the package. If you expect to see emotional cards such as love cards when you look at a man's brain you are going to be very disappointed. So the Lenormand is usually very right on by telling the naked truth. That we -women- like it or not it is a different affair.
Ow WOW! Thank you...I finally ''got it'' LOL

Except for one more thing (*blush*)...
So I should NOT have drawn the third card?

Sylvie Steinbach

Miss divine

It won't do anything wrong really! But you did not have to. What is interesting though if you pay attention to it is that the Key just reinforce the point next to the bouquet. Confirming in may ways that it is his 'feelings'.


Miss Divine

Sylvie Steinbach said:
It won't do anything wrong really! But you did not have to. What is interesting though if you pay attention to it is that the Key just reinforce the point next to the bouquet. Confirming in may ways that it is his 'feelings'.

Thnx Sylvie, guess what!? I think I finally ''got it''!


An extra point

I did wonder about this--

the question itself sets a general tone to what the cards are supposed to talk about, right?

If asking about what someone looks like and you get for example clover +man- I dont suppose you would say he looks lucky-- hmm-- a man who looks lucky/optimistic- some cards dont quite nail the description but addresses the attribute-

I think this is where that sense--- what are you trying to describe clover card? the last time I had this card-- My first impression was -- clover+man- the Irish man-- guess what-- it works-- the whole shamrock and lucky leprechaun was what came to mind--and it was--


Good point Sylvie :)-- to know what a man is thinking- think like a man-I think this was my sticky point as well when in the multilevel reading..

Sylvie Steinbach


Clover = Irish, yes why not? that is when the intuition in a real reading precedes whatever the book says...Make sense to me!


On the subject of the lily

I think we spoke on this before Lily representing masculine- in your experience Sylvie- does lily depict men of mature age- say 30-40's, can it be a young man who behaves like a wise and mature man?

it is a conundrum for me- Lily is an enigmatic card- lover, mature, sense of achievement, contentness and also old age- covers young, middle age and old age- how do you narrow down what it is suppose to be-

funny thought- clover+man +lily- Irish lover-- now thats a treat with a gold pot at the end of the rainbow--:)

Sylvie Steinbach


In my experience the Lily has proved to represent men from late thirties to....BUT never someone who is 35 or younger. Unless the card is trying to say that the man will be much older than the client -8/10 years older mini- then it will show up even if the client is 22 and the man is only 32! So you have to pay attention...The other time it will show up for someone who may not be that old is when their hair color is mostly gray. Yes you do have men out there who are dark haired based with a massive amount of gray that make them look older even if they are 33 for example. So again only your intuition will guide you. I avoid this kind of uniqueness in my case studies since intuition can not be used with case studies. In general LILY do refer to 'older' men...

Miss Divine


Well, the only way to learn is to practice right? Well... I'm stumbling upon something again....

On page 190 you give an example reading about Tom finding Laura's behavior strange etc.

Well I did a reading but this time it's a man acting ''strange''.

Every time I think ''I got it''... I get stuck again...

I got whip+clover+man+key+letter

I just want to show you how I read it.
*the man is a happy single who takes life as it goes...(man+clover)
*sexy, attractive, physically fit...(whip)
*physical activities, sports...(whip+clover)

I don't believe I read that incorrectly? If I did I'm really in trouble LOL.

But now the other side, and THAT is where my problem is:

(man+key)...Okay so the man the querent is asking about is someone who is a soulmate of hers/ very important person in her life.

(key+letter)...key news, life changing news.

Because it's on the right side, it hasn't happened yet, so life changing news is not the reason he is acting strange. But then I am thinking, with a question as in ''why is X distant/strange'' I should NOT read what's on the right of the key card as future, but as to see what's going on in the present?

I don't wanna be a pain & hassle but... it keeps me wondering but haven't figured it out.

Thnx again!


miss Divine

good point-

actually- if you look at the multilevel reading- you can see how sylvie has broached the topic-

if you're question is why is he acting strange- it is entirely possible that both left and right are addressing the current state of play-


the central cards around the keycard- clover and key- points to this-

if you were to put yourself in his shoes- why is being happy go lucky(clover)important(key)?

is it perhaps being sexually active (whip) is the happy go lucky lifestyle (clover) he preferred in the past..
I think the Key- as Sylvie says- is a resounding yes card- adds to confirm the man is acting strange to you- but perhaps normal for him?
the letter is interesting- perhaps we have to look into how he is communicating this (letter)--has he written something in an email/text to indicate why?

I think- analising the cards individually around the keycard and then indivisually on each side gives a flavour to the answer before going for the combo's

I would ask Sylvie- at this point- how would she approach what essentially looks like a positive spread for a negative question-- a multilevel reading to investigate his outlook on relationships is probably a good next step--

