Difference between 3 of Cups and 4 of Wands?


The 4 Wands:
There is completion here, the last wall of the building. The 3 Wands are the interim goals, and the 4 is a sense of achievement and completion. There is a real buzz here. Tomorrow may well be another 5 Wands day, but in the meantime just revel in your achievements. It's like a mini World.
There is celebration here, to be sure, but it's not the only aspect.

The 3 Cups I see as something a little less formal than a celebration. To me it's the enjoyment of friendships. A night out at the pub. A Kareoke session :O). An hour long conversation on the phone with your best mate. Shopping with your Mum. etc, etc.

Just my humble opinion



from todays journal post

for me it is simply:

Cups= Water= Emotions - i feel jubilant and life is lush and i wish cheer and good time for everyone.

Wands= Fire= Passion - I do, I make life good, I have reached the peak, I invite others to share my fortune.

Cups are always more passive - sensing then wands.
3 of cups are almost undeserved happiness. Life is sharing it's abundance with me.
All I have to do is to stay open for it - learning to receive.

3 cups was my daily card today:)
and so far this day has actually been a lot about nurturing others (making coffee, baking, cooking etc) - not as passive as i thought...


Hedera said:
I just realized that my general impression of these two cards is awfully similar: joy, celebration, festivities, a group of people having a party....
The party feels a bit more organized in the 4 of Wands than it usually does in the 3 of Cups, but that's about the only real difference I can come up with.

Also, I have a hard time integrating the suits' qualities with the meanings of the cards.

Any thoughts?
3 of cups= exuberance celebrations finding new friends, working with a group of like minded people. 4 of wands= being relieved and celebrating, having escaped an unhappy or oppressive situation. Or generally celebrating a milestone, after passing through hard times.