What's the Postman Bringing? Part 13


Hopefully the Cosmos Tarot and Oracle Deck - it was the only thing I asked my aunt for as a birthday present. I had really been waffling over which deck I should get next, then just as I was staring longingly at the beautiful cards she texted and asked what I wanted! I like that it offers a unique system, it will be interesting to see where it feels like a different angle on RW meanings vs where it feels like something completely new. I'll get it for myself if she doesn't, anyway. :)


The postman bought me a City Mystic New York Tarot and two decks by Carol Herzer: a large Starlight Illuminated and a pocket Elemental Illuminated Tarot today. The pocket Elemental was a gift!

I ordered a Golden Universal Tarot Deck and a Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck in a Tin. The Centennial in a tin is only $10.20 on Amazon US.


The Mystical Tarot arrived yesterday. The card stock seems just a bit light, but it's smooth and flexible in the hand. The combination of antique feel and RWS readability seems just right.

Scarlet Woodland

After a 6 day holiday in Heathrow, my Rosetta tracking has finally been updated to... Held In Customs <headdesk>


Happy Tarot and Impressionist Tarot on the way. I finally got them because they were 33% off at Book Depository.


Deviant Moon, Barbara Walker in a tin, and Japaridze. So much for self-control...I'm not sure I'm even going to like the Deviant Moon, but I feel like I need a shadowy, vaguely unpleasant sort of deck for those shadowy, vaguely unpleasant sort of places.


Prisma Visions 3rd Edition!
I don't have 1st or 2nd. I'm really looking forward to working with it.
It seems to get a lot of praise...


The Cosmos Tarot and Oracle and The Gorgon's Tarot!


The Night Sun Tarot arrived the other day. Out of all the decks out there why did I get this one?


New Limited Edition Tarot of Prague. Now I just have to wait until June.