"The Secret of The High Priestess" Spread


This is the spread I use the most and it's an alternative to the Celtic Cross and I have gotten the most success with. The spread itself is based upon The High Priestess card itself and is a bit involved. It's fascinating because the last card (the 9th card) remains hidden until all other cards have been interpreted.

If it's a Major Arcana then it shows that the Priestess has revealed her secret and explains the "why and what for" and if it's a minor arcana then it means the Priestess has kept her secret and that card has no meaning.

I only have a question with this spread that I did for a friend of mine last night.

The 9th card (The Priestess's book of secrets) was The Wheel of Fortune card.

my question pertains to what does this card means in this position, It says "The Why and What for", but I would like this explained a little more to me if anyone could. If you can list a few examples as well so I can get the idea, I would really appreciate it.

It's also sideways so there isn't really a positive/negative reading from what I have read from my handbook.

Thanks a lot.

Gray Malkin