The Future You Spread


The Future You Spread

I took two of the position meanings [5 and 9] in the Celtic Cross spread and wove them together to create this spread. The Future You Spread is all about what you want and hope for yourself in the future.

.... 1 ...
2 . 3 . 4
.... 5 ...

1.) Your 'Attitudes and Beliefs' about the future at the present time.
2.) Goals [for the future]
3.) Fears [keeping you from your future goals and happiness]
4.) Guidance [for the future]
5.) Hopes [for the future]

Don S.


Very nice Don. I will be putting this in my journal. I was just checking out your website a couple of days ago. It is coming very nicely! I tell everyone you have the best suggestions for starting a journal!

Take care,


Hi nodntap

The future....
I like the look of this spread and being relatively new to tarot it doesn't involve too many cards.
I will give it a go and may be even brave enough to post my findings - remember I'm a novice so may need pointing in the right direction.

As for your own website - I have just had a look at it, it is a great wealth of information - with the worksheets how are you suppoed to use them? I was looking at the daily one.



Real novice may need pointing in the right direction

nodntap said:
.... 1 ...
2 . 3 . 4
.... 5 ...

1.) Your 'Attitudes and Beliefs' about the future at the present time.
2.) Goals [for the future]
3.) Fears [keeping you from your future goals and happiness]
4.) Guidance [for the future]
5.) Hopes [for the future

OK - here goes
1.) The High Priestess
2.) 5 swords
3.) The World
4.) Temperance
5.) 3 wands

I can't quite place The World as my fears - is it perhaps because I'm frightened of the bubble bursting?
Does anyone have any comments please? Advice?
Many thanks


lunes said:
OK - here goes
1.) The High Priestess
2.) 5 swords
3.) The World
4.) Temperance
5.) 3 wands

I can't quite place The World as my fears - is it perhaps because I'm frightened of the bubble bursting?
Does anyone have any comments please? Advice?
Many thanks

I don't normally answer questions on this forum and we probably need to take this to the Readings section but what the heck.

Pos #3 of Fear [for the future] is the only 'negative positional dignity' [NegPD] in the spread. The rest are either positive [pos 2&5] or neutral positional dignities [pos 1&4]. Positional dignities are determined on how the position meaning/s are worded. Since the word 'Fear' has a negative connotation then position #3 would be preceived as a negative positional dignity or [NegPD].

All this means is that the card in position #3 will be read in a negative manner/light.

So the World [NegPD] means your Fears are wrapped up in not being able to integrate the the things you hope to integrate - either internally or externally in the future. Your own sense of 'incompletion' and the feelings of being 'unfulfilled' will keep you from attaining the happiness and sucess you desire in the future. These are the fears you take with you into the future and that will keep you from your goals.

Knowing this you can now work toward changing it. You could even do a spread to find out about your fears.

See the NO-Fear Spreads:

Hope this helped.

Don S.


nodntap said:
Pos #3 of Fear [for the future] is the only 'negative positional dignity' [NegPD] in the spread. The rest are either positive [pos 2&5] or neutral positional dignities [pos 1&4]. Positional dignities are determined on how the position meaning/s are worded. Since the word 'Fear' has a negative connotation then position #3 would be preceived as a negative positional dignity or [NegPD].

Actually you might want to go with a positive positional dignity [PosPD] with card/positions 2, 4, and 5. Getting a card like the 3 of Swords in any one of these positions would need to be read in a positive manner/light.

Only position #1 would be a neutral positional dignity. Which means the card would be read as you would normally read it.

So if you drew a card like the 5 of Pents for '1.) Your 'Attitudes and Beliefs' about the future at the present time.' - it means you need to look at your present status to see why you look toward the future with basically a gloomy outlook. If this is the case don't even bother with the rest of this spread since the other positions will all be colored negatively by this one [assuming a negative type card comes up in pos #1].

Do another/different spread about your current status, situation, frame of mind, etc. to find ways you might improve it.

1.) Your 'Attitudes and Beliefs' about the future at the present time. [NeuPD or Normal]
2.) Goals [for the future] [PosPD]
3.) Fears [keeping you from your future goals and happiness] [NegPD]
4.) Guidance [for the future] [PosPD]
5.) Hopes [for the future] [PosPD]

Don S.