Finding positive goals-spread?


I have a friend who is always so focused on avoiding the things he doesn´t want, instead of working for the things he does want in life. So I suggested we do a reading to help him get his positive goals sorted out, but found myself at loss for which spread to use.

Does anybody have a good suggestion for a spread that can help you formulate what goals you should work for in the coming year? A spread to help you formulate what you want in life and what steps you need to work towards that goal?


Goal Spread


1. What is a goal that I can achieve that would be fulfilling for me?
2. & 3. What actions or changes could I take to achieve it?
4. What bumps in the road might I encounter along the way?
5. How will working toward this goal change my life?

Hope this helps Tea!
Take care,


That´s great bodhran, thank you! I will try this on myself right now. Thanks for your superquick response!