Tyldwick - Moon


What I notice in the Moon card:

2 dog statues
pagoda-like models on the mantel
a mirror with a full moon inside

Those who eat seafood are well aware of the need for nut crackers to open the hard exoskeleton of lobsters to get to the meat inside. Humans aren't much different; we like to appear tough on the outside to hide our vulnerability on the inside. In fact, we do it so well, we sometimes hide and repress our emotions and memories from ourselves.

The two greyhound dog statues remind me of guard dogs. They are the ego's helpers if we chance a peek at what lies in our unconscious. Their "woofs" are translated into fearful ideas about what we might find if we look too deeply. In the Tower card, we use external things to try to protect ourselves from circumstances in the world. The Moon card deals with internal things, beliefs and feelings that make us too uncomfortable to uncover.

The two objects on the mantel remind me of miniature pagoda towers. These Asian towers were built as a shrine or temple. In this card, they act as a gateway to finding something sacred. Yes, I might have to become a hero or heroine and battle the illusory monsters I find, but a spiritual treasure will be unlocked if I'm successful.

The mirror indicates an opening from one reality to another (the unconscious). The full moon has been associated with moods and dreams (and a recent study in Switzerland showed that it did have a disruptive effect on sleep.) The pull of its gravity on the ocean waves symbolize the pull our unconscious can have on our words and actions. All those slips of the tongue and dreams we don't forget are evidence of its power. So too are our hair-trigger reactions that seem to come out of nowhere. Delving into our unconscious is never easy, because the language it uses is that of symbols. Sometimes it takes some detective work, but having an "aha" experience usually means we're onto something. Though the moon only reflects the sun's light, its fullness indicates the time is right to do some diving into the depths of our unconscious.



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The crayfish motif seems to be decorating a fireplace screen, occluding the light of our conscious mind. Unlike some of the other mirrors in the house this one is highly reflective, although the image it displays is not literal. I'm reminded of the Mirror of Galadriel from Lord of the Rings that showed "things that were, and things that are, and things that yet may be..." and of course a different vision for each individual viewer.


In the mirror, I am reading the round image as a memory of childhood, not a moon. There, I see a child, from the back, retreating from me into a gardenscape. I keep trying to see it as a moon--but it's not happening (yet!). And there is so much in at least my own unconscious that comes from early childhood . . . And having said that, now I see the dogs as protectors of that child.

Wow. I think I just used the entire image as a Rorshach blot! When I was the age of the child I imagine in the mirror, I had a Great Dane who walked with me as my protector.

Well, clearly THIS Moon card is doing its job.