Knight of Swords


I keep getting it appear after 2 Cups. It almost seems like a slap on the wrist or something.

I would love to think my wish for a relationship is being "attended to swiftly", however.


This Knight for me tells of someone changes the situation or conversation and no on even notices.

It's like having a conversation with someone about something. You get into the middle of the conversation, gossip whatever it is and then a couple minutes later you are talking about a mountain in China that you know nothing about. You did not even notice the change until you had no input and was talking about what the Knight wanted to discuss.

These Knights change directions without notice, still going with the flow.

Also, they do not like being attached or attachment. It's like they know
how to get out of situations without being noticed.

Think like the Knight blowing in like the wind, re-arranging and then gone.
Sometimes you like it and sometimes not! :)


Got this card yesterday to symbolize a college project. My assigned partner was unavailable and useless, so I rapidly stormed in and cobbled everything together last minute. The research was impeccably-sourced, the project was polished, and yes, handled swiftly. Job well done, no frills, no bells and whistles, no hemming and hawing negotiation. Just a clean sweep.

Whenever the Knight of Swords appears for me, it usually symbolizes rapid problem-solving, lucid answers around the corner, or receiving a message. It's always a welcome card, from my perspective.


The Knight Swords is rushing forward headlong, without whatever's in front of him being visible. Ergo, he is someone who jumps to conclusions, and acts before he things - often to his loss or to the loss of those around him (the kind of person, for instance, who might "help" a little old lady across the road when she's briefly resting after just having crossed the road herself!)

The cared usually says to me that I or someone around me need to slow down, and really consider the consequences of our actions before we jump up and do the first thing we think of.