A Book by Jodorowsky to go with the CAMOIN deck?

Kyoto Aloeswood

Camoin Study Group Here?

Hi Greatdane---We meet again!

Is there an actual Camoin Study Group on Aeclectic Tarot? Kyoto


I am reading this book now, and find it very different from other books on Tarot, in that it analyses pictorial aspect on every single cards of the TdM in most detailed fashion , as well as covering other usual aspects as well.

I am still in the beginning part of the book, so actually how the whole book will turn out to be, not sure yet. It is a fat chunky heavy book, and will take sometime for me to finish for sure.


This book is divided roughly into 3 main parts.

1. Pictorial analyses on various TdM, but especially focusing on authors own TdM deck.

2. Meanings of each cards of TdM

3. Reading 2 cards together in TdM

The first part is a bit dry and even tedious to digest unless one is particularly interested in restoration side of antique TdM decks, perhaps this part can be skimmed. If one is interested in that aspect of TdM, then this part would be a great source of good info.

The 2nd and 3rd part seem really good read.

I skimmed the first part, left the 2nd part to read for the cards when they are drawn in the day, and am reading the 3rd part.

Overall I feel this is a good book for anyone interested in TdM decks, and am glad that I have it.