10 of wands as feelings


I've had this come up in situations when the person couldn't have what they wanted. The "oppression" isn't necessarily that they have any heavy burden to carry except the burden of wanting something badly that they can't have. So it makes perfect sense to me in the context of someone who got left behind in a relationship; they didn't want it to end. With the positive cards around especially, this person still has all the positive loving feelings they had while in the relationship, except now they can't express them. They are burdened/oppressed/restricted by the ending of the relationship which they had no control over.


Tens are transition numbers, so the Ten of Wands could signify a transition of ego to a brand new passion (the Ace) ahead. It could be that the person is finding a way to divest himself of all those Wands that came along with the past relationship and is about to find new passion and an ego-boost elsewhere. He won't let those burdens weigh him down for too long, I would suspect.


interesting, sun chariot. another way of looking at this. so, even after a break up, say the person would still have deep passionate feelings for the other? i think this is what i am getting, here. like, they still feel this? again, very interesting take on the 10 of wands. thank you!

Maybe deep passionate feelings, but the important part would like be that these feelings would spur them on to feel the need to create more, the mist they can..after a breakup it would likely say that that person wants them back pretty badly. Wants to create that again with them but more and better than before. If that is no longer possible, they want to create the most they can.
