Tarology - the book


I got curious about this book, I would like to hear some opinions (I did not know there is also a DVD, I found out when searching AT for the book).

There are some reviews on amazon, bit contradicting and not very helpful.


The DVD is BRILLIANT. I haven't exactly read the book yet.

BUT - it is a very different way of looking at tarot.... I think that's what the reviews are trying to say. That it isn't the way to go if you want "this is a way to see 4 swords" and so on.


No, I am not looking for a meaning book. From the reviews I understood is something more poetic and artistic but I wonder about more details.


I have it and love it. It is definitely artistic and a form of prose poetry in many ways.

Don't look to it to explain the meaning of tarot, but it will make you think about what it means to you. I have said elsewhere that in one single sentence he can make me laugh, be very thoughtful/puzzled, have an ah!! moment and still be smiling when the sentence is done. I read it in single chapter bites and it is one of my treasures.

I really appreciate being made to think rather than being spoon fed the results of someone else's thinking :)

EE drives me to look at other areas of study simply because I can see how it all helps widen my interpretations. I am so grateful - I have found early renaissance poets I wouldn't have thought of reading, studied the symbolism of renaissance art and architecture, and learned to love baroque music and I so appreciate it all.


Thanks Wendywu, I was imagining is something like that.

I already ordered the first volume of his tarot interviews (just because the preview on amazon made me really curious to read more) - it is when I saw he also wrote "Tarology". I am new to EE, never read anything he wrote, but from that preview I can say I think I will like his style.
I will wait to read the one I have it on mail, before I buy Tarology.


I really WOULD recommend the DVD. It is absolutely amazing. It gets you looking at the world in a totally different way, never mind just tarot !

jean bosco

Yes, I too like the DVD a lot. A lot to be discovered there. I think I've watched it a least 4 times within 2 or 3 weeks. I'll probably have to read tarology too some day. You could also have a look at these threads (from E. Enriquez) and see how that approach appeals to you. http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=102599


Thank you for the links, I will go over them to get an impression.

I will also consider the DVD after yours enthusiastic opinions, which I value.