Dame Fortune's Wheel II: The Female Pope

Queen of Disks

The thing I have always admired about Marseilles decks is that instead of a High Priestess they have a Female Pope or a Popess. This has always struck me as pretty amazing considering the religious environment the Marseilles decks came out of. I was raised in the Roman Catholic church where women are (and sadly always have been) only allowed to be nuns and not much else. :mad: Popes are supposed to be infallible and to speak for God, so to have a female pope probably shocked a few people. There are many theories as to where the Female Pope came from and why she appears in the deck (see the Marseilles forums for some of those.)

This Female Pope strikes me as very powerful and strong. I would not want to get on her bad side. She wears the papal crown and luxurious robes with a cross on her cloak. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_pattée She sits on a throne and holds a book, symbolizing the wisdom which is her specialty. A banner of some kind hangs behind her head, perhaps symbolizing a veil or barrier hiding her wisdom from those who are not worthy of receiving it.

The Female Pope strikes me as a guardian of and dispenser of Wisdom (often of the holy and spiritual kind.) She does not grant this wisdom to just anybody, only to the few who are worthy. :royal:


Because this card is based on the legend of Pope Joan, it takes on the added meaning of subversiveness and I love that. In the extended LWB, Huson says:

... the wisdom of the Female Pope also implies new, radical and therefore “heretical” revelations, notions or theories that contradict the currently accepted views. She heralds new paradigms.