The Process. Part 3 – The Blank Spot


Bump again!

Umbrae, this is a wonderful spread... thank you for sharing it.

Sunburst :)

Hooked on TdM

Okay, I do realize that this thread is older than god! lol

But, I just read the very first post by Umbrae and non of the answers and .. WOW. That is exactly what I do. I just suck at describing it. I even shush people who start to talk (Quite a loud shush too.. as in I will duct tape your mouth shut if need be! LOL)

Mind you, I don't leave a T.V on in my house. I rarely have music playing. I like the silence as it's not really silent. The world is a very noisy place actually.. might be why I do read that way. I'm very comfortable with that silence....




and, uh, i have to go try that glow-dot thing right away.


Thank you for, elsewhere, drawing my attention to this post - you are indeed a Sign and a Wonder.

Umbrae said:
Reading for Karen means I have to go some god forsaken fern bar where you sit on high chairs for adults, ...

... We spend so much time looking at what we are looking at, that we ignore our peripheral vision – which can see in the dark – perfectly well. However, you have to retrain your eyes.
<grin> You're not talking just about light-sensitivity here, are you.


Satori said:
I'd love the story about the four horsemen someday....

Yes, please tell us the story of Umbrae and the four horsemen?