What is divination good for?


It gives me options that I never would of thought of myself. It's been very helpful for me in that way.


It helps me to plumb depths that my conscious mind can’t reach unaided.

What those depths are I’m never quite sure. My soul, my imagination or subconscious, the collective unconscious, the divine, the universe, fate…? It may be any or all or none. I like to think about the possibilities, but not to pin them down. It’s uncharted territory, and tarot is my local guide.


This personal to me of course, but I find it to be an anxiety reliever. It opens possibilities, gives hope or ends it.


I think it kind of works like a mirror, enabling us to see round corners to bits of ourselves that cannot otherwise be seen. (I borrow this way of expressing this from Aerin, to whom much thanks; she said what I had tried to say in words for ages !)


Divination is a way of opening up a channel between oneself and the divine; whether that be our more authentic self, an actual deity, or simply the universe. It provides us with information and / or insight so that we may make decisions and take action.


It is a way of talking to myself in a way others would think only slightly insane (rather than very). Whether or not I am, indeed talking to myself or an "otherness" like an HGA is beyond my abilities to answer.


One thing divination may be good for:

Tarot is a good way to connect with others on a more intimate level; it provides connection to others based more on our internal similarities, rather than dividing us by our external differences.


One thing divination may be good for:

Tarot is a good way to connect with others on a more intimate level; it provides connection to others based more on our internal similarities, rather than dividing us by our external differences.
I love this. The key for me when reading for others is to provide spiritual and life counseling in a way that feels safe to the other person, so yes it absolutely provides opportunities for connection.


For me, divination works best as a tool for gaining additional information and/or advice when I'm confused, don't have enough information to make a decision (and no way of getting it) and/or have tried and failed to solve a certain problem a number of times and simply don't know what else I can do about it. So it's like a wise adviser to me. :)


For me it mirrors the all important sub-conscious and therefore the shadow side of our personality, once we've figured ourselves we can help others with tarot.