Kind of OCD Question about turning cards


How do you turn cards over in a reading?

I ask because when I started as a teen, I always turned them end-over-end, but as I've come back to tarot as an adult, I kind of latched onto the idea in several books that you *should* flip them over as you would open a door. This has bearing because I use reversals.

Now, I don't think it ultimately matters, but when I go to flip them the way I always have, it distracts me, and doing it the "right" way still feels odd.

Just curious about how others do it. for my OCD soul.

It really doesn't ultimately matter, you're right Any method you choose will work equally well. It's personal choice.

There is no "right" way. It's not one size fits all. If a way feels odd to you then it is not the right way for you.

I don't know what this will do to your OCD soul :grin: but in answer to your questions I DON'T turn over the cards in a reading.

I choose the cards by holding the deck in my hands face up, then closing my eyes and feeling through it. I take out the ones that "FEEL" right to me, like they are the answer. And lay them down. Then open my eyes, look around and get started. LOL They are already face up, because I just took them out of the face up deck and laid them down.


Chimera Dust

Unless you have OCD, please don't use phrases like "being OCD" or "my OCD soul". OCD isn't just about an attention to detail or enjoying routine. It's a mental condition that many people in the world struggle with and which can be very painful for those who suffer from it.

On topic, I don't think it matters how you turn cards. I just do it in whatever way seems more practical, though I usually flip them over like a door since that seems easier due to the shape of the cards.


My apologies. I should know better: I have ADHD and go bonkers when I hear people talk about having an "ADHD moment."

That said, people with ADHD do sometimes compensate with OCD like behaviors. But I should have merely said obsessive or something like that. My question came about because I was feeling stuck between the two methods.
