Would you rather.....


There you go...there's room a plenty for both....

But firstly, a little temptation, just to heat up the room...

Miss Woo

Empress feelings for sure!

The Empress is sensual plus you get lots of love and snuggles. The Devil doesn't look very snuggley to me.


What does sensuous require to beget ...


Empress always. I hate Devil feeling of old pain and anger. The Devil pushes people away, it is like making love to a porcupine, always so difficult. And all old baggage. Give me the Empress always. Very overwhelming and maybe smothering but at least loving and being HERE in the moment.




Sounds like you've had a hard time of life...

I still prefer both...Adventure ...recuperation ... chance (which is adventuring)...

Keep in mind that were talking about physical partnering ... not one night stands...Which I feel is wholly devilish...


Empress for me too. Devil can be exciting right now, but it hides away dark side of situation or emotion, and can turn nasty at anytime.


The Empress is in for a nasty surprise when it's time to deliver....She has a heart of stone as well as a comforting demure...

She's the giver and the taker...a Devil of a job!



Sounds like you've had a hard time of life...

Not really, but sometimes people (including my partner) tend to hang on to old hurts and it makes it hard to move forward. They expect old hurts to happen again, even with totally different people. That is the Devil to me.

Holly doll

Yes, and the kind who would demand you phone when you arrive at work, and again just as you leave, so he can time your journey and be sure you're not fitting in any visits you aren't mentioning... I once worked with someone whose husband did that. Whenever she objected, he played up his heart condition and she was terrified of killing him if she put a foot wrong. Exasperating woman, but he was the real Devil, and all she understood was that she was trapped by how much he loved her. Really sinister.

Neither - I can't stand being smothered or manipulated; the Devils games get real old real fast, besides, he reminds me of Hugh Hefner... With the Empress - you don't realise how much of you goes missing until you look down - the Empress can be about destruction when things go pear shaped.

I had a real Queen of Swords moment - early on my partner made the mistake of trying to control me by pulling the "I might die, or be hurt" routine on a few things; my response was "don't let me stop you then". His family was full of Queen Cups Rx/ Empress Rx... They never accepted me... Can't understand why though... :p


The Empress may be ruthless, but she only destroys what has reached its time. She provides without thought of consequence, because providing is what she is; she takes/destroys in the same way. Nothing in moderation.

With the Devil, too, nothing in moderation; that's what they have in common. But control is a Devil word. Does the Empress come close to control... I think the closest she comes is indifference, the indifference of being engrossed in what she, and her senses, are doing.

(I have focused on her aspect of bounty - but it's the same if I focus on her mother aspect. We cannot master the time labour begins, nor what it results in.)

She's in control but that's not her fault, if you like; it's not deliberate(d). With her, she doesn't think about the impact on you. With him, it's all about the impact on you, it's very deliberate.