Will we need an Extra-Terrestrial card?!


"How will humankind react after astronomers hand over rock-solid scientific evidence for the existence of life beyond the Earth? No more speculating. No more wondering. The moment scientists announce this discovery, everything will change. Not least of all, our philosophies and religions will need to incorporate the new information." From this article- http://theconversation.com/is-your-religion-ready-to-meet-et-32541

Will Tarot need an extra card or new symbolism to incorporate the new information? Or is The Universe (World) going to cover it?!

What if aliens don't have emotions and a spirit or even a physical body? What suits will work in a reading when a client says they want to know how to proceed in their relationship with a blob of purple jelly?


Michael Sternbach

Perhaps the Sirian Starseed Tarot would be suitable?

Personally, I see no problem digging alien chicks, AS LONG AS THEY'RE PHYSICALLY COMPATIBLE. ;)

But Love is universal, so if your querent happens to fancy a blop of purple jelly, I think The Lovers card and others would still be appropriate.


Perhaps the Sirian Starseed Tarot would be suitable?

Personally, I see no problem digging alien chicks, AS LONG AS THEY'RE PHYSICALLY COMPATIBLE. ;)

But Love is universal, so if your querent happens to fancy a blop of purple jelly, I think The Lovers card and others would still be appropriate.

You little pervert. :heart:


I've communicated with non humans and beings from other dimensions using my good old 78 card deck. The only adjustment I made was to ask the angelic realm to provide instantaneous flawless two way translation.


Will Tarot need an extra card or new symbolism to incorporate the new information?

Nope. Not at all.

I love my blob of purple jelly ... on warm toast!


We could ask that same question about a lot of things. Do we need a new card for all the technology that has developed? Do we need a new card for the changes our planet is going through environmentally? There's lots of things we could make cards for, but we don't. The cards that already are there always find a way to say what they need to say. :)


Since much of the world's culture revolves around sun worship of some sort, along with ideas of male and female duality, it would be impossible to guess what kind of spirituality aliens would have, even assuming they have any. Our own Tarot decks clearly show human conceptions of spirituality with the sun being seen as the source of life, the earth being the "mother," etc. A binary star system would perhaps be based upon a dual deities, although astrological phenomena isn't where it ends. Suppose they had more than two sexes, even only one, how would they see conceptions of force and form?

How would it affect us, if the universe suddenly became a good deal larger? At this point I think not much, not in spiritual terms, anyway.


I never thought that earth was limited to human inhabitants anyhow, with the average person perceiving animals and other energy bodies, and many faiths believing that there are ghosts, demons, angels, deities of different levels etc., here already, in addition to humans and those that only look human. I say the more clients the better, sometimes, but reserve the right to accept or reject them--