Pyramid of Power


I called this the Pyramid of Power more as a mneumonic device than anything, my friend Sarah prefers to call it "The Pyramid of Dual Influences", I just think that's too long though. This I created to see how a person will react to negative or positive reactions in a given situation.


1. Usually the querent- Their attitude toward the situation
2. Positive behaviour/attitudes toward Individual B (or X)
3. Negative behaviour/attitudes toward X
4. How X identifies with the situation
5. How X feels or reacts to more positive influence
6. How X feels or reacts to more negative influence
7. Likely outcome if querent is more positive towards X
9. Likely outcome if querent is more negative towards X
8 & 10: I actually read these as a set, showing how the positive and negative together will influence things if the course stays in the same direction it has been going.

Note: Occaisionally I will place an 11th card crossing the first, representing an outside influence/obstacle. (i.e. a third individual)

Well, tell me what you all think, it has worked well for me in the past.

That dot is talking to me.
Which one?
That one. <Points>


I'm going to try this!

11th card also could be the bottom card of the pile
crossing number 1 card!
Just an idea. :)

Thanks for sharing,


ros said:
I'm going to try this!

11th card also could be the bottom card of the pile
crossing number 1 card!
Just an idea. :)

Thanks for sharing,

I've never thought of that, I will try that next time I use this spread.


I like spreads that position the cards in a pattern corresponding to their meanings, as you do -- positive influences/feelings on the left, negative on the right. (Though have you considered that the opposite is more traditional?) It's a nice touch, easing interpretation and just generally providing a sense of Things Making Sense. Kudos!