Ask the Oracle with the Major Arcana


This always refers to the present situation. I personally call it Cross yes/no answer.

2 5 4

Lay out your Majors as shown above, card n. 5 is obtained by adding cards 1+2+3+4. If the sum is 21, or inferior, estract the card with that number. If the sum is superior to 22, example 68, just add 6+8, and the sum of this two numbers is your card n. 5. If the sum is 22 you are going to place the Fool (0) in position 5. If the sum of the cards from 1 to 4 gives you a card already in the spread it means that the Oracle refuses to that case you try the spread again, if you get the same result after the third try, the question to your answer is NEGATIVE.
If the oracle responds, and you get all the cards needed for the spread, you finally place the FIFTH card in the middle. PLEASE NOTE: if the majority of the the cards in the spread are upright, card n. 5 will be place the same way. If instead they are reversed, card n.5 will be placed reversed as well. If we have a situation of 2 uprights and 2 reverses, card n.5 will be placed horizontally and interpreted in both meanings.
CARD 2 favourable forces
CARD 4 unfavourable forces
CARD 1 synthesis of the two above (card in relations to 2 and 4)
CARD 3 advise to the question
CARD 5 synthesis of the entire spread (outcome)

I'm sure that many of you have seen this spread, it's used at lot in Italy. I have tried it only once and I liked it. Hope to hear some feedbacks from you guys.


correction to the look of the spread

the spread looks like this:

I hope I got it right lol


i tried it and am confused

Hi - this reading is great, but i don;t know how to interperet what is yes and no...
the cards i got were, moon, chariot, sun, fool and the final card based on the adding up the numbers is stregnth. i would say the answer is yes, but am i right?


Hi trying

I'm a beginner too, and maybe we should rename it positive/negative answer. Your cards suggest a positive answer although I would like for you to give me the position of the other cards?



when you say positions you mean were they reversed? if so, no all upright and if you mean the numbers, they are in order 1-5 the way i posted. thanks~!


hi trying

I meant both