Fairytale Tarot (MRP) -- The World


The fairytale associated with this card in this deck is the tale of "Many Fur," or "All-Kinds-Of-Fur," which can be found here. This tale is found in the Grimm fairytales, and is (IMO) justly obscure.

All the details in this story seem odd and creepy to me, starting right out with the incest theme. The main obstacle that the heroine of our story has to encounter is her own father's desire to marry her specifically because she is the image of her deceased mother. Ick. She tries the classic gambit of making impossible demands, but he fulfills them. After he makes her a cloak made with the hides of a thousand animals, she smears herself with soot and runs away.

She ends up in the kingdom with a king who seems much like her father, only he's not, and reveals herself, etc., etc. by putting little hints about her true nature in the king's soup. You have to wonder what a guy would think when a golden spinning wheel turns up in the bottom of the bowl, but he seems to take it in stride. This story really puts me in mind of a "self-activating" Cinderella. In effect, she is her own fairy godmother, and makes everything happen for herself.

So perhaps that's how this tale brings its own unique take on the World card. She attains full happiness not when she turns into someone else, but when she reveals her true self, perfect just as she is. The card illustrates the moment in the story when she no longer needs the protection of the thousand animals who gave their lives to make the ungainly cloak that served as her disguise. It's also intriguing that there doesn't seem much difference between the two kingdoms--at least not that they're told. So perhaps another message that we can take from the World is that success is where you find it, or put another way, "Wherever you go, there you are."

:heart: M_M~