Touchstone Tarot by Kat Black


All Is One I need to thank you too. I didn't notice until you brought it to my attention about the Fool playing a stick instead of a flute...that one slipped right on bye me until you mentioned it last night.

All Is One

Now that we know Jasper is the he also The World?


There is a similar look to him...the world definately looks male in this deck


Come to think of it the World does look a bit like him :) I'm such a lucky Kat!

All Is One

You are a tricky Kat, you are. ;~)


Ahh...The Touchstone does bring out the truth!!!

All Is One

Just did a four card reading with a key card drawn by him, for my husband. (He asked...a rare thing.) He's worried about which way to take his part of the organization where he is a manager.

I used the Touchstone, and it spoke and spoke.

I think he has a whole new direction. It's all related to forces and influences that he needed to hear about to help focus and help him open up to new ideas he will be able to time.


Has anyone in the uk received theirs yet?
I'm hoping mine will come soon and am really looking forward to it, especially after reading the lovely posts about it.


I've just ordered mine - yay!


I have just ordered. I was going to wait a bit, but patience isn't one of my virtues this week & I need something nice to look forward to.

Soooooo exicited!