3 of Pentacles + 2 of Swords As Advice


1. Study the situation,
2. don't respond-

You should be in observation mode
Even added together they equal 5- the Heriophant, time to learn.


That's pretty good YDM42, short and succinct.

Looking at the 3 Pents, it's looks like there is no room for it to fit above the mantle and considering what to do with it, he seems to be looking at both sides critically for flaws as well as value. For some reason it reminded me of writing a letter and burning it, especially with that anvil on a chain in the fire, that it's a time to get things hammered out while the irons are hot. The anvil is a heavy thing, a weight and it is chained... it's not going anywhere, an immovable object that stands between the man and what is hot and burning. Another thing is he's moving away from the fire, from the way he is standing. On a positive note, it could be seeing something for what it is, another experience added to a life, take what is valuable from the situation and to move away from those things that burn you. 3 makes a tripod and that would be one form of balance and stability, but still tippy.

The 2 Swords is making me think of stop looking at the whys and wherefores of what is creating conflict, or maybe not to dwell on those things that created the situation and not let the darkness of emotional turmoil & confusion get past your defenses. Make peace in your mind and heart because some things, especially what motivates others may never be understood or give us clarity. And this would be another form of balance, calming, purity of thought/intent over waning emotions. Another thought is the golden ring that covers her eyes... like a wedding ring sort of symbol... is that all this person is wanting or willing to see, the promise of something eternal and not wanting to admit doubts or look at them?

So I guess it all depends on what else is going on before the advice... study it well before coming to any conclusions or taking any action I'd think.

One thing between the 3 Pents and Hierophant would be conformity... does it meet the grade, fall into accepted perameters or are you looking for a blessing?

Sorry, I think I raised more questions more than offered anything of help.


Perhaps the 3 of Pentacles could be telling this blacksmith that a vital key in a situation is missing.

The 2 of Swords could be revisiting the world of the senses, of dreams and to condense and construct all information visually into a mental architecture creating would like in their outer environment.


good luck

the 3 of cions is saying your lurning it new ,and with the 2 swords it looks like two strough wills, but have you not already done that ? want do you think your going to get for this relationship?