2 decks the exact same card appeared (1 card draw)

La Force

This is my experience, with Tarot, that I have on many occasion that I have asked the same questions using different decks, and never has turned up the same cards, so this is what I am not understanding completely what you said about this;

The thing is that when doing Tarot readings we are not getting random answers, but specific ones. We are getting answers from an intellegent source that knows all and can tell us all. In short, if THAT card is the best answer to your question the chances of getting the exact same card in two decks is 100%. In fact, if that card was the best answer to your question and you asked 5 decks or even 10 decks, the exact same card should come up in all of them. Because that is the best asnwer.

So then why didn't this happen before with me using 2 different decks asking the same ? each deck has always given me a different card.


LaForce said:
...Here is a pic. I am shocked, blown away and excited at same time . The question I asked " If I should date a certain someone". I read upright only
First of all, the following statements are just my opinions, so please take them as such.

To me, tarot will never tell a person what she should or shouldn't do, nor will it decisively answer a Yes/No question. Instead, the energies depicted in the cards will describe the energies surrounding the issue or question being asked, and the querent is left to ascertain what those energies mean in the given situation.

So, you have asked about the energies surrounding asking out a particular person, and you received the Four of Batons. Therefore, you must then ask yourself just what the Four of Batons is trying to get across to you about the situation concerning asking this guy out.

To me, the Four of Batons is a pause in a situation where one rests to assess where he is going in a situation, with the previous three cards in the suit telling where he is coming from (Ace=spark of energy or original idea, Two=making a choice about what path to follow with it, and Three=grabbing the opportunities afforded by the choice he made with the Two and waiting for something else to come to fruition in the situation.)

So, for a question about what energy is "in the air" concerning asking this person out, I would say that the Four of Batons is suggesting that you wait a moment and assess what choices you have made in the past and what effort you have put into building yourself to the point of asking this person out that will give you the kind of response from him that you desire. Therefore, I don't think this Four of Batons is telling you to go for it; instead, it is asking you to consider how you got to this point of wanting to ask him out...and just as importantly, whether or not he has likely "built" to the point of being on equal footing and in agreement with you there. Only you really know whether the timing is right or the likelihood of him agreeing to date you is there.

But, to me, that is all the Four of Batons is trying to get across to you. It is not telling you to go for it (nor is it telling you NOT to,) it's only telling you to pause and reflect a moment to understand if the timing is right from both your end and his to make this move.


I am sorry I don't understand completely what you are saying sorry, I do and I don't.

added: I totally understand the power of tarot and living tarot, and that it speaks from a higher intelligence. I have had cards repeat over a span of weeks or months, just not in a span of 15 min. using 2 different decks. I know this is a strong message that I need to pay attention to. I just wanted to know what were the odds of this really happening. I started shuffling and asked my ? first using the Art of ?, then pulled one card from the deck, I received the 4 of Batons, my response was sweet, I understood what the card was telling me, then I thought well let see what the CBD Tarot de Marseille deck has to say, so I shuffled and asked same ?, pulled one card, and receive the exact same card 4 of Batons. I responded with WT* sorta freaked out, only at the fact it was the same card, shocked I couldn't believe my eyes. How could this happen, there are 78 cards in each deck and to have the same card come up, just blew me away. so I started to ? what were the odds of that ever happening let alone to happen again. This is totally wicked, amazing, and mind blowing, I am still in shock over this.

Certainly. Tarot IS totally amazing, and mind-blowing. There are very few things in life (if any) as maigical and amazing as Tarot.

I can try again but I do not know if it will be any clearer. The chances of your getting the same card in two differnt decks in answer to the same question...IF that card is the best possible answer to that question... are 100%. If a card is literally the best possible answer to a question, if you asked 20 or 30 decks that card SHOULD continually come up over and over. Then chances of that happening would be 100%.

If however, there are different aspects of the answer or different ways to view it, then you can get different cards in different decks. It depends, some questions have more direct answers where there can only be one correct set answer, eg is the sky blue. And questions some have shades of grey. It depends on the question. What seems to have happened is you hit on the kind of question that had a set answer. Only one correct answer.

What percentage of questions have set answers where there can only be one answer that is clearly best, and what percentage of questions have answers that are more complex and can be answered in more than one way, coming at it from different angles....I don`t have a clue as to the answer to that. It`s more of a philosophical question though than a mathematical probablitlies one.

BUT you happen to ask a quesiton of the type that would have one answer that is clearly best....then even if you asked 100 decks they shoukl all give you the exact same card.

The reason this can happen is that you are dealing with an intelligent source that is sending you the answers. IF one particular card is really the best way to answer a question, for the second deck to give you any other card would be for it to give you lesser information, to be less clear in answering you, to not answer you as well as it could. That is not how Tarot works. The right and best card to answer the question always comes up.



First of all, the following statements are just my opinions, so please take them as such.

To me, tarot will never tell a person what she should or shouldn't do, nor will it decisively answer a Yes/No question. Instead, the energies depicted in the cards will describe the energies surrounding the issue or question being asked, and the querent is left to ascertain what those energies mean in the given situation.

This is all true too. Yes/no questions do not work for me personally anyway, but questions asking what you should or shouldn't do take that decision away from the querent where ti should be and ask the cards to make your life decisions for you. We all have life lessons ot learn. We can't learn them and grow without making our own decisionjs.

Tarot is a great tool to ask the consequences of certain actions so that with that added information we can make better decisions of which path to take, But the choice of which path to take has to rest with the querent. That is what I learnt early on about Tarot.


La Force

Thanks I understand now. I going to have some fun test this out see how many more times I can I this happen its so cool.

Ps sorry 1 type finger here on cell


I find when I do readings for a querant.... if they ask a specific question and I work with several decks I find they all answer the question with the same card, even if they are a mixture of oracle and tarot decks......the best answer is found within each deck to answer the question.....

EG.....in one reading about trusting intuition ... The High Priestess in both tarot decks used....... Native American tarot and Tarot of the Wild Spirit....
The Shaman Wisdom Oracle got a card dipecting Trust intuition then an Angel card about trusting psychic abilties and a colour card about having faith.........

I think that message was pretty clear..........

So i believe in can happen quite abit...... when we did an experiemnt with the 144 cards of the BMS Tarot deck... we found most of the times we did readings the exact same card came out as a illustrated card and a pip card........with the minor arcana and two versions of the major arcana came out......

Believe and trust.........just remember when you test your cards too much they will start to play with you.......take care and have fun...


Seriously what are the chances of the exact same card coming up in two readings using two different decks

I had that happen a couple of weeks ago, when doing a single card reading for my partner with a deck I had just gotten and was still getting familiar with. She doesn't really believe in this stuff (and also I don't think she liked the answer) and she said "try a different deck" so I pulled out my Rider Waite, shuffled a bit and pulled a card, and the card was the same. It was the Hanged Man. Turned out to be good advice, too :)


Btw, the "Sun" in SunCharot came from the fact that when I started to read The Sun came up over and over and over almost non-stop for months when i started out as a reader, when reading on a specific topic. Yes, way too often to happen randomly. It taugth me a lot about how Tarot works and that is it not random and we are dealing with an intelligent force.

I am curious, what did you make of that same card coming up over and over, besides it making you realize that it's not random? Do you think it was a specific message, or perhaps a specific entity making itself known to you?

The reason I ask is because this same thing happened to me when I got my Druid Animal Oracle about 4 years ago. I was new to reading and very skeptical as to whether it was just a bunch of nonsense. I kept drawing the same card over and over and it just about made me crazy, because it wasn't a very 'exciting' card to me, I didn't even care for the image, and I couldn't make a lot of sense of the meaning. Still wrongly trying to approach something intuitive from a scientific standpoint, I even made a spreadsheet for my daily draws and that Sow card was coming up 34% of the time at one point.

Once I realized there was no way this was random, I got a bit spooked, and then for a while was worried there was some urgent message I wasn't understanding. The card is all about 'generosity, nourishment, and discovery', abundance and fertility, and the reversed meaning in the book tells you to reconsider your self image, it seems to be directed at being shallow and vain which is so NOT me (I later came to think that for me this translates to not jumping to conclusions and judging situations without all the facts). For months it just about drove me insane trying to puzzle it out...

I started researching Sow/Pig meanings in Celtic and other mythology. I learned about Cerridwen and other associations. And eventually, I exhausted myself and stopped trying to bulldoze my way to an answer... and when I did, something happened.

I started welcoming the sow when I turned over the card and saw her yet again. She became a personality to me, and I guess all that research in my mind formed her into this Great Mother entity for me. She sort of became 'grandmother sow' who would pop up when I needed comfort or propping up, or reversed when I needed to be reminded not to be harshly judgmental. There was this strong feeling of motherly comfort that came to be associated with that card.

When I decided that I really wanted to learn Tarot, and put my Druid Animal Oracle deck on the back burner for a while, I kind of missed seeing her all the time, until I realized one day that she was The Empress in that deck. Then, the other day when I was working with my new Wildwood Tarot, I started specifically thinking of her as I was shuffling, wondering if she'd be able to come through the Green Woman on the new deck. I was disappointed when I pulled my three cards and she wasn't there, but I did get a really insightful answer to a problem in my life that I wasn't really asking about, but was weighing on my mind. As I was about to put the cards away, I cut the deck on impulse and turned the top card over. Green Woman. :)

Do you think that specific intelligences make themselves known and form relationships to you through cards? There's still the hardheaded scientific side of me that whispers this is all in my head, fighting my intuition every step of the way, but my intuition says there is 'someone' there and that's a wonderful, but kind of unnerving, thought.


Technically speaking, probability is 0.016% (i.e. 1 / 6084).

It is indeed close to nil; may be other forces were at work, and if so probability could be closer to 100% - in particular if testing/playing with the tarot? ;)

La Force

Technically speaking, probability is 0.016% (i.e. 1 / 6084).

It is indeed close to nil; may be other forces were at work, and if so probability could be closer to 100% - in particular if testing/playing with the tarot? ;)

Well I am feeling more inclined to agree that there must have been other forces at work here. In my experience this has never happened before. This is totally wicked, exciting, and I have been testing it out, asking the most clear specific question, without altering it, with different decks to see if it would happen again, feeling the question right down to my bones. IT has not happened again at all. so for me it was a once in a life time experience.