Nine (9) of Cups


In my deck - Sharman-Caselli, it is a card showing a happy couple (a man and a woman) hugging or dancing closely, surrounded by beautiful white columns and there is a table with food and drinks. It is a beautiful, heart warming card! I wish I was seeing it more often! It is not about enjoying anything alone but it's not about the family life either (as it is in the Ten Of Cups). It is about the joy of being granted what you wished for - love, material goods, etc. and sharing them.


that is not how i see that card in that deck curiously

Ronia that deck was my first deck that I learned on and I know it inside and out. It is great. I consider the 9 of cups to be all about the pleasurable things in life, if you look at the card, you see feasting, drinking, the pleasure of romance etc. Now pleasurable things are wonderful but to me they can easily lead to more negative things if someone pursues them too much. All of the seven "sins" stem from some kind of pleasure. These become addictions especially if paired with the devil.