Le Tarot Tournant (Bill's Tarot) completed!!


The one deck I've had on my wish list for I don't know how long, is now complete! In my hot little hands I have one of the advance copies!!!! Here is a link to the creation thread http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?p=4638043#post4638043 and there are a lot of images in the newer posts from OnePotato.

I suppose it can't be called a Marseilles, officially, as the pips don't follow the TdM pattern, but in my opinion, these are the most beautiful and expressive non-scenic minors I've ever seen. I'm not entirely sure it's correct to call them non-scenic, though they do not depict a scene being played out by humans (or animals) so, perhaps that fits. The trumps do follow the historic or TdM style decks, though with Bill's flair for incredibly emotive and quirky faces. Be warned, this is not a deck filled with gorgeous ladies and buff, handsome men, but at the same time the deck is gorgeous.

For people who find pips a bit difficult to read with, I think this deck may really work well as a reading deck. The pips have a strong moody quality to them, in their color scheme and arrangement of the implements. I'm terrible at explaining this kind of thing, but hopefully there are enough images in the link I posted that show some of the pips in all of their glory. I may try to take some photos and post them later.

Just wanted to share the big news, I know a lot of folks here have been waiting for this day to come. :)


I also want to say, Thank you, Bill, for creating this deck, for seeing it through and for sharing it with all of us. Thank you most especially for your warm generosity in sending out these surprise copies to those of us who had watched from the sidelines while you worked on the pips and courts. It was such a wonderful, unexpected gift to receive. :heart: :thumbsup:


I hope everyone will be okay with me mentioning and describing cards as I go through this deck some more...? (Not through the whole deck, just a few cards.)

On that hope, I shall mention the Moon. I have had the privelidge to see other Moon cards that Bill has created, one from a collaborative deck is literally the best Moon card I've ever had the good fortune to lay eyes on, hands down. It was in black and white. It was exquisite.

This Moon card, it has a similar vibe, and of course it would, it's the same artist. This one though, is in full color, it is very different in composition, and I must say, Bill, you have some kind of deeply spiritual grasp of that energy and feeling that clings to dusk, especially to those dusk events that come after a most spectacular sunset. That is the energy that I feel plays through your pips, and in particular, this Moon. A deep grasp on beautiful darkness and shade.


You've got me very curious, what deck has the first Moon card you mentioned?


Sorry, GlitterNova, if I didn't make that clear, it was a Moon card for a collaborative deck, made by all of the people from a different forum. Well, all of the people who decided to contribute. I don't know if I am allowed to show an image of it, and to be honest I don't think I have an image of it, as the forum no longer exists, and I didn't copy images from it. I will say again, it is the best Moon card I've ever seen.

But the Moon card from this deck evokes a similar quality, only in the way that Bill injects his imagery with a sense of mischief and beauty. He uses water colors and his voice to imbue these characters with so much life and idiosyncrasies that they live on their own, off of the printed card, so to speak. He seems to create characters, rather than airbrushed stereotypes, with fake breasts and perfect faces.


Hullo Prudence!

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic comments, and I'm very happy to hear that you like it so much. It's nice to hear that you seem to be picking up on so many of my intentions.

The Star-Moon-Sun were done back in 1982-83. They played a big part in setting up the overall atmosphere of the Trumps, which then set the stage for the pips all these years later. When I did the little Bill's 22 edition back in 2000, I chose The Moon as one of the example images to represent the deck. (I'll add that old picture below.)

If people are interested in seeing more, apart from my thread over in the Creation Forum that you mentioned above, there are a lot more photos on my (New! Thank you MrsOnePotato!) website.


  • 06GroupShot.jpg
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  • BillMoon.jpg
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I want one! I so want one! Onepotato, remember me when you out up the list of those fortunate who will have access to a deluxe boxed edition! Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeee!


Be interested as well when you do the more main stream one not connected to "Bill 22" as I wasn't around for that nor did I have an inkling of your project.

But it is a fantastic deck with exquisite art and colors and I want to indulge in some quality. :heart:


I am interested too and it seems I wasn't around when you did the majors so please keep me in mind. They look wonderful!



I hope everyone will be okay with me mentioning and describing cards as I go through this deck some more...? (Not through the whole deck, just a few cards.)

On that hope, I shall mention the Moon. I have had the privelidge to see other Moon cards that Bill has created, one from a collaborative deck is literally the best Moon card I've ever had the good fortune to lay eyes on, hands down. It was in black and white. It was exquisite.

This Moon card, it has a similar vibe, and of course it would, it's the same artist. This one though, is in full color, it is very different in composition, and I must say, Bill, you have some kind of deeply spiritual grasp of that energy and feeling that clings to dusk, especially to those dusk events that come after a most spectacular sunset. That is the energy that I feel plays through your pips, and in particular, this Moon. A deep grasp on beautiful darkness and shade.

LOLOL - first you try and be conservative with your 'not the whole deck' then you start talking about even more of his cards... groupie :p

JK - this deck is amazing
