It's All in the Cards: Tarot Reading Made Easy


typos for tatsi ....

The two typos I found right away are:

Page 10 - top paragraph, fourth sentence reads "If something unpleasant does comes up… "

Page 119 - under 'Money' - "Think about investing or reinvesting you earnings,…"

If, perchance, anyone uncovers any others in the first or second printing - please tell me immediately! Let us hope there is a third printing someday!

As far as the chart goes, it's more a matter of bringing it into line with what I have written elsewhere, although a minor point for some people. If they ever ask me about corrections (believe me, the author is the last person to find out anything!) I'll give it a quick thought of changing the chart. Changes cost $$$ and the company has to be willing to make a change that is not a correction, like a typo.


Hi tarotbear,

since I'm quite new to Tarot and wanted a book that could help my with my RWS styled decks I ordered it and I'm still reading it very attentively. I must say I really like it. Your writing style is easygoing, holds a good sense of humor and is easy to read. A very good idea was to include hints for other RWS styled decks like e.g the Robin Wood, which I own and which has been the main reason to buy your book.

Okay, now for the unavoidable but...

There is one thing I can't get out of my mind. The all time favorites of all tarot readers, the yes/no questions. I agree it's better to flip a coin instead or using the major arcana method you're suggesting. Well, 6 paraghaphs subsequent to this one you are listing some questions as an example which are also yes/no type questions or questions that shouldn't be answered with tarot cards imho. I'm sure everyone who reads tarot for others might run into these questions, though.

"Will it help me to apply for a job with a rival company?" Well, the classical pro and contra and therefore a question that can be answered with the tarot with some rephrasing. But also yes or no.

"Will I be able to do this job effectively?" This question can be answererd imho if you rephrase it by putting "how" at the beginning of the sentence.

"Can I afford to buy such a big house?" Yes or no - you can afford it or you can't. Asking someone at your local bank for advice will help more than asking the cards.

"Am I going to be successfull with this business?" Yes or no - you'll be or you won't be. Doing some market research before you start your own business will help more.

These where my 2 newbie cents. I hope my thoughts will be a bit helpful at least. Perhaps it's just me and I'm too pedantic.



Pages 209-215 alone, are worth the price of the book.

For a compendium of meanings for post 1909 RWS meanings, not bad.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars, specifically because of that last 6 page chapter (Tarot as Oracle).


Got this out of the library to check it out. I just skimmed, but it looks very good. I like the short key phrases for each card. And I noticed our home here (AT) is mentioned several times.

Asking the tarot whether vampires are real is very similar to the questions asked by Rachel Pollack in Forest of Souls. So maybe we should say such questions are best left to tarot experts!

I have never been interested in or a fan of specific card combination meanings ("the HP next to the Fool means . . .") or ("four aces in a spread mean . . ."), but I was interested to see them in a beginners book. It seems to hark back to older days of cartomancy.

Of course, as soon as I say I'm not interested in learning something (especially in tarot), in about two months, I'll be deep in the study of it! So look forward to lots of "card combination question" posts. And I'll have to go back to the library for It's All in the Cards!


for Tiamat ~

Oh, Good! Someone who's thinking! :smoker:

"Will it help me to apply for a job with a rival company?" is best answered at the top of the next page where I give the Horseshoe layout for a question with two possible answers. If you change this question to ' What happens if I stay here?' and 'What can happen if I leave here?' you have changed it from a blank yes/no question into something that will give you a better answer.

Yes, if you put 'How' before the statements listed you will move them from a yes/no question into a format that can have an answer that is usuable. My choice for using them is more for the aspect of creating better questions and asking better questions to get better answers, not necessarily to provide you the exact questions myself.


rachelcat said:
I have never been interested in or a fan of specific card combination meanings ("the HP next to the Fool means . . .") or ("four aces in a spread mean . . ."), but I was interested to see them in a beginners book. It seems to hark back to older days of cartomancy.

The section on Card Combinations was always part of my original thinking for this book. My editor had me ditch an entire chapter {'The Tinseltown tarot' - which had it's beginnings here on Aeclectic a long time ago} and then write two more new ones more than two years after I had completed the original manuscript! Although the combinations hark back to cartomancy, it was heavily influenced by Waite's book. I just made it accessible in 'modern' English.


rachelcat said:
Asking the tarot whether vampires are real is very similar to the questions asked by Rachel Pollack in Forest of Souls. So maybe we should say such questions are best left to tarot experts!

Funny thing ~ if you read the last six pages of my book ~ WHICH tarot forum do you all think I am talking about? LOL!!! :smoker:


I took this book out of the library a couple days ago, and I think I'll have to buy myself a copy. It's very very useful for looking up cards when my intuition seems blocked, and for getting ideas what two cards that seem odd together might mean. It's not too fluffy and it's not too heavy; I like it a lot. The fact that it's one of the less expensive tarot books out there is an advantage too ;) Sometimes "you get what you pay for" doesn't apply.

Ivy Rhiannon

Congrats on the second printing Tarot Bear! I am deffinatly going to contribute, and join your fan club. :D I'll also make sure to post a review, and give you any honest feedback here too once I've read it.


I've spent the last couple of days reading through this book - very good I reckon.

One of the things I really like is Tarotbears' revised Celtic Cross spread. I don't usually use the Celtic Cross, mainly because the position meanings are so confusing. I like this version though. Did a couple of practice readings with it today and found it very easy to read and just the right information coming through.

Thumbs up from me :D


Sulis xx