Any spread to know the cause of bad relations???


Hello everybody..I need a bit of your help here...

I am having a very strained relation with my in-laws...especially my mom-in-law ...the reasons of which I don't know...I have tried everything possible to mend it...but she just cold-shoulders me...Is there any spread which can help me find out what the problem could have been?? Or rather is there any spread that can help me know about my life (this life but the preceding years)


Look at the thread on pg 2 of this Tarot spreads section. Haleyw asks for personaltiy spreads and there are great examples given including the atttitude 'Tude' spread and the 'pesky person' spread!

I did one just then and was amazed to see that maybe fond feelings may be at the root of a problem I seem to have with somebody!

Pandora MoonRaven

Crotchety In-Law Spread

Well I had the same problem. My in-laws seemed to genuinely like me when my husband and I were together and then married. For 6 years of marriage they really liked me. His dad would talk to me and rarely talks to anyone. Then I got pregnant and BAM suddenly attitude and nastiness and now it is so bad that my husband is not speaking to them. I have been nothing but kind and am left reeling on what happened. I bend over backwards to make things right and they treat me even worse. They literally come into my home talk to me, the kids, the DOG and won't say hi to me. So now my husband and them are at odds. I feel terrible and had devised this spread to find out WHAT HAPPENED. Hope it is helpful. It is a large spread but hey, these things are complicated:

The crotchety in-law spread


How the relationship started building, initial impressions:
1. What did my in-law think of me prior to our marriage?
2. How did my in-law think of my spouse prior to the marriage?
3. How did my in-law perceive my spouses life prior to our marriage?

After the marriage some in-laws finally accept you, other seem to suddenly despise you. This is how the relationship/perceptions of you progressed:
4. How does my In-law think of me after the marriage?
5. How does my In-law perceive my spouses life now that we are married?
6. Does my in-law feel that I am a positive or negative attribute to this marriage?

What is really causing these feelings and how your actions are impacting these feelings. These actions can be completely innocent and yet taken on an offensive or even feed the hostility of the person, especially if they are already negative towards you. Keep in mind this isn’t a FAULT issue it is just to see how your actions are taken.
7. 8. 9. What is the core issue of these feelings?
10. How do my actions impact the relationship with my in-law?
11. How do my spouse’s actions impact this relationship?

This is just a quick snapshot on what the future relationship will be and your advice on how to handle it.
12. Future relations with my in-law
13. Final advice, what I need to know about this situation (I like to take this card from the bottom of the deck)


@aware7...thanks a lot for getting this thread alive... I had almost given up hope :) Searching and doing the spread (considering the issue) will definitely warrant some peaceful time... Currently in a very harried state of mind....but yes, thanks for showing me the way towards the spread...I will definitely search it up, read it, do it and get back as well...Thanks again...!

@PandoraMoonRaven Considering from what you have written about your issues with your in-laws, I too am almost in the same boat, however with a significant difference that now my wife absolutely believes in the cock-bull stories her mom is cooking up about me...No matter how hard I try, how much I bend...I am always wrong!!! Why the sudden antagonistic attitude towards me, I am absolutely unaware ..!

Anyways getting back to the spread...would be going out of town today. But would definitely do the spread you have suggested. Whether it would help or not I don't know, but at least I would get some faint idea of what's it gonna be later on!! Thanks a lot :)

Pandora MoonRaven

Hey There,

Well that is why I put in a "How does my spouses actions impact this". She may be feeding the feelings.
I NEVER asked my husband to stop talking to his parents..he decided to do that which made me worry they would think I made that decision since I am to them evil reincarnate.


At the risk of making this an in-laws bitching thread i just had to post this to compliment you on the usage of the word "evil incarnate"..... that's what i am being thought of as well :)

talking about your spread i just went over it again and observed the careful transitions you have made 123.....456....789 unfortunately i am not carrying my cards with me as i travel but i HAVE to do this spread.i will get back to you as soon as i do it.

thanks once again