Brain Quadrant Idea


I am thinking of a spread based on the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, if any of you are familiar with this.

I happened across it through work and have been meaning to try it as a spread for some time. I've been waiting for time to make a dedicated spreadcloth, but since that doesn't seem to be happening I think I'm just going to go ahead with the spread without it.

In HBDI literature, the four quadrants of the brain are color-coded like this: upper left quadrant--blue; upper right quadrant--yellow; lower right quadrant--red; and lower left quadrant--green. So, my spread looks like this:

1 . . . 2

4 . . . 3

The first card is the diagnosis, the what. Here are the facts about the situation. This is cold hard truth.

The second card is the bigger picture . . . which might include bizarre and out-of-the-box new ways of looking at the situation, a range of potential solutions and next steps, not necessarily viable in any immediate sense, and a refreshing sense of broadened perspectives.

The third card covers interpersonal and emotional angles. It might reveal feelings about the situation, impact of potential choices on others, and/or individuals in a querent's life who might be of assistance.

And the last card is an advice card, showing what to do and how to do it. This will be immediate and straightforward, unlike the far-off hypotheticals presented in the second position.

In terms of ordering the cards, it made sense to me for blue to be first, but after that I just went clockwise out of habit; superstition I guess.

I haven't tried the spread yet but am excited about it. I'm particulary interested in checking out the way the cards interact with one another, for example green with red--I want to see how explicit the connections will be.

In HBDI theory, each quadrant can communicate with the quadrants next to it but not with its opposite . . . green, in other words, cannot communicate directly with yellow and vice versa, but both green and yellow can communicate with blue and red. Blue and red cannot communicate directly with one another, but they can communicate with green and yellow.

I'm curious to see how this pans out in readings :!:


Interesting spread. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to try it out later this evening.


When I tried this last night, interestingly enough, the opposing quadrants wound up corresponding with one another, and not communicating with the quadrants beside them . . . but this could have been because of the question I asked.


A similar thing happened to me. Maybe the cards should be dealt in a different order instead of clockwise.


Or maybe they're just ornery! :p


I got the spread to work perfectly using a Lenormand Oracle. The issue was an annoying (but minor) family matter.