Etruscan tarot: IV The Emperor


Description in Booklet: "I listen with attention. A noble man in a public place, listens to common people, in order to administer justice and protect them from evil".

We come to the Etruscan Emperor, ruler of the realm. If the Etruscan empress is the nurturer or giver or love, the Emperor is the administrator of justice.

The card is quite different in terms of the clothing of the Emperor, as compared to the sparsely dressed Fool, the fully-clothed Magician. The Emperor wears not a gown but a type of clothing most likely of Greek origin. "Wealthy Etruscans appear to have dressed very well. They appear to have given more attention to fashion than the Greeks. Their clothes were made of fine wool and linen. Some sources mention cotton, but we are not sure about this. Their clothing was often colorful. Both men and women in more recent times, wore a tunic, probably showing the growing Greek influence." - I lifted this from this source:

He holds a scepter in his left hand and is seated on his throne which appears quite modest and simple (for an Emperor). His booths are not ankle-type but reaching the calf of both legs. I have difficulty discerning what he wears on his head. Apparently, although history claims that the Etruscans loved jewelry, this Emperor appears more simple and modest. The pillar is there to show strength and fortitude. The design at the upper part of the card is called Greek Key Pattern - "You’ve seen this pattern a million times, and perhaps have never thought about it. It is a Greek symbol representing infinity and unity. It is often used as a border on Greek buildings, pottery, and… of course… the New York City once-ubiquitous, Greek-themed, blue-and-white, take-away coffee cup." (source:

A snake is on the floor with its tongue out -- most likely, the snake appears to be the Emperor's pet. By the way, he seats facing the East - suggesting structure, order, sequence, and tradition.

Our Etruscan emperor appears to be the symbol of justice (like a magistrate). Unlike the Empress who is depicted as giving orders to preserve and nurture the household, the Emperor is in public view - listening to people's concerns and determining how he will decide (similar to the Jewish King Solomon). The Empress faces West (signifying intuition and creativity) ... Our Emperor faces East, representing Objectivity, Truth and Justice.

The snake is an interesting symbol here -- as I read and quote from -- "As a Native American Indian symbol (depending on the nation/tribe) the snake can be a masculine symbol, associated with the phallus of lightning which is considered a medicine staff of tremendous assertive power....

also coming this website --

"A natural ability to balance energies (you’re likely a gifted healer)
Diplomatic and eloquent in areas of speech and writing
Dynamically intuitive (often knowing other’s thoughts and emotional states without trying)
Impulsive, but not without careful consideration

If we try to put together all these symbolic representations into the character of our Emperor -- we may see that his power lies in putting order through objectivity covering a bigger realm. If the Empress needs to balance love with the law, the Emperor needs to balance the giving of Justice with Mercy based on both the determination of Truth merged with compassion. The presence of the pillar would indicate a strong character, the very foundation of a kingdom which lies in front of the value of unity and wholeness (symbolized by the Greek key pattern).

If we get to draw out this card, some reflections we can consider are:

what will help us balance our ability to be both objective and compassionate in the decisions we make?
How will we remain fair in the pursuit of truth, and yet considerate in the execution of justice or the decision we need to make?
What facts or information do we need to weigh and think through in order to help us achieve oneness in the choices we make?

Our Emperor may simply remind us that we will always need to take responsibility for our own decisions and actions. that we also need to use our intuition even if faced with so-called facts -- because the facts can be distorted and misinterpreted -- but the truth will set us free.