AT Comparative Study Group - Table of Contents


Mimi -

Thank you for that :) I was feeling guilty about not having a chance to add a card.



OK, a new card is up. As I said to Mimi, I was feeling guilty but I have been straight out. Heading to a wedding this weekend so it was fitting to choose the Two of Cups - hope it brings happy thoughts to you while posting on it :)

Through now, I have been randomly choosing a card, leaving it to the shuffling gods to pick for us. The next two will be chosen the same way with one exception - I will keep pulling until I have one Pentacle and one Wand. The Majors, Swords and Cups have been popping up in my shuffles (maybe they are telling me something), so I want to give equal time to the Pentacle and Wand lovers out there.



The wand lovers thank you...



Don't worry about the time it takes to post cards. This last "break" allowed me to catch up, since I didn't start at the same time as everyone else!

This study group has been great in getting me to look at cards from my less used decks. I'm noticing things that I haven't for years (in some cases). Also, reading other deck descriptions encourages me to go and look at those also.

Thanks so much for starting this!!!



We really need a pentacle to analyze.

any advice on which one?


OK, finally got two new cards up and, as promised, got one in each the Wands and Pentacles suits. Next card will be random and probably be posted within a week.

Good news - we may have fulfilled the criteria necessary to get our own forum ..... keep your fingers crossed.

Enjoy the new cards!



Don't worry, more coming!

Been busy lately, but I hope to have another card up in a day or so!



Updated to reflect the new card - The Magician.


Finally, after a respite, a new card is posted - the Three of Wands. Feel free to start posting!